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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Does he think changing his name somehow stops people from bookmarking the url?
  2. His pillow doesn't have a massive gaping vaginer for a space shuttle to get lost in.
  3. You're probably going to die.
  4. If you're teaching, they'll be learning the unfun dumb mentals.
  5. But you're, like, 30. So that's kinda really creepy.
  6. It's over twice the average weight of a 6 year old, so for all relative intents and purposes, it isn't wrong. I know fully grown women that weigh 92 pounds. That aside, by no means does fuggs' kid look 92 pounds. The criticism isn't really directed at the kid. Either fuggs is full of shit and the kid isn't actually 92 pounds OR if her kid actually is that heavy she desperately needs to do something about it as it would be a serious health risk. As in, on one hand, fuggs probably shouldn't be lying about her kid's weight to garner sympathy ("I can't handle this kid who's too big to discipline") and on the other hand, if the kid really weighs so much, fuggs needs to take responsibility she's adamantly opposed to taking, and the resistance to taking responsibility in favor of gloating about the kid's appearance could potentially be extremely harmful to the child. These are both criticisms of fuggs.
  7. Of course you can't marry something that doesn't exist. S:
  8. It's not fat shaming to say you're full of shit and that your kid clearly doesn't weigh 92lb.
  9. Of all the reasons to hate Zeni and you picked,"Puerto Rican" and "poor"? Really?
  10. Why would you eat any?
  11. HxH is more than likely better than Unicorn. O0
  12. Actually, I take back the "not so much wild" parts since we've introduced animals to areas they aren't native to and they *gasp* evolved with the environment.
  13. But we did change animals natural evolution on grand scales. Not so much wild animals, but domesticated animals evolved into completely different creatures since the environment is totally different.
  14. Is your brain smaller than your nose? Blame it on opening too many Packard threads!
  15. I'm an alpha and I will make all kinds of babies with the hot bitches!
  16. Zenigundam[/member] and Master-Debater131[/member] need to become a thing now.
  17. It's plenty user friendly. However, it's not dullard friendly.
  18. You guys seem to be hitting it off. Have you asked her out yet?
  19. Romero getting shot surprised me. I figured he'd spend an episode hanging out at the barn to not die from being shot, but he walked it off so it's cool.
  20. I'll believe it while I'm banging on Tuesday. ::HMM::
  21. I haven't liked anything Devilman I've tried so I assumed this wouldn't be for me, but.... Yuasa Masaaki.
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