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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Imagine being so dumb that Elon can be your puppetmaster......
  2. Wonder why they decided the group that gets the deterrent is the bilionaire class.
  3. OH. I was like, "don't get high and... post kids? What?" Sorry. I'm also high.
  4. I hope it's the smallest crowd he ever gets.
  5. That Tweet is a saltmine.
  6. They just want to watch their employees pee. There, I said it. We were all thinking it.
  7. Yeah.... so, about polls in 2024......
  8. You can't possibly expect me to believe it was just one incel. Bucket wasn't even the most aggressive one. There was Tic, an astro knockoff, that Metropolis guy the went to jail for attempted terrorism, Bucket, both Ginguy and MD went nuts with alt-right memes, and I'm sure there were others. You seem to forget that there used to be far more people here and the rules were far more lax. Nothing shady.... aside from all the ASMBers. And how many people in corporate do you think would have cared? The point wasn't about them looking at us and thinking we're degenerates. Frankly, I don't think they would have bothered to look at UEMB, much less read enough to get come across the worst of us. My point wasn't that we were overrun by nazis; my point is that we never held any significance to WB, and if they had looked, they probably wouldn't have been particularly thrilled for any wide variety of reasons (see: fuggs' vagina). I picked Bucket, Pat picked blue waffles. Same shit, different smell.
  9. It was a new, unknown site by a bunch of random, anonymous online nerds. It's hard to get shadier. And it's pretty hard to deny the severity of the alt-right's presence when we had basically daily arguments over how to handle it.
  10. We let Bucket run rampant for years. Lets not pretend there aren't dozens of examples. Ginguy was spamming swastika-filled Pepe memes up to, like, 2020. Hence, "had."
  11. The problem is that there's no way any page on the Adult Swim website would direct people here. It's not an official site.
  12. Ah, I haven't really followed them close enough to catch running gags. Figured it was them recycling content, which would be disappointing since they've remained funny for a very long time.
  13. I'm sure they've used this exact headline before. I suppose the Onion doesn't have infinite creativity.
  14. I did appreciate when it redirected to a French bootleg streaming site for the first day or two.
  15. Okay, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case. The boards were run by a massive corporation that didn't care about the boards enough to inform admins of when the closure would happen. They were shut down and it took a week for them to realize we were still fucking around on it. Nobody went in and made a custom 404 page to link here. It's not an official site and nobody like Luuv was going to have that kind of access, much less to be able to force a link to a shady site that had a severe nazi problem through the approvals process. I don't buy it.
  16. It's not even really Sodakandy. I barely remember her outside the bird thing, but she was only around for like half a year and it was prior to the ASMB shutting down. I don't think it was on the final host yet. Did anyone have her contact info? Did someone invite her? How the fuck would she get here in the first place?
  17. Only Trump is allowed to shoot someone. He won't lose any votes.
  18. Y'all take Packard too seriously. He's just an annoying idiot. No need for the militance. We're already punching down.
  19. No roaches? Sure, doubt it.
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