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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Don't forget the cockroaches.
  2. No. No you don't.
  3. MD has a single thought?
  4. Lol
  5. Brian Thompson didn't.
  6. Neil deGrasse Tyson's Greatest Hits
  7. Icarus27k shot Brian Thompson and fled to Canada. Prove me wrong.
  8. You're welcome!
  9. Incel = Involuntary celibate Think of the worst "alpha" chud you know, specifically one who tries to act cool but is clearly so desperate to get laid that they've made their personality about how actually they don't want the sex they can't get because women are dumb and sex with them is gay.
  10. I think you're misunderstanding the meaning of incel. And someone having back pain doesn't mean they can't fuck. Mine was a natural disaster for the entirety of my sex life............. Come back sex life! 😢 Incels don't have sex out of rejection. They're blaming the people who denied sex to them for not getting any as opposed to reflecting on why they can't and improving. Aggression over dysfunction isn't the same as lashing out at people for making you feel inadequate. Unless the sexual prospect was Brian Thompson, it isn't really incel shit. Something tells me there wasn't a whole lot of courtship happening.
  11. Just a reminder of how similar Trump really is to Hitler.
  12. This one life feels like it's repeating. It can really got fuck otself.
  13. Stairs. Down them. Next time.
  14. Probably just didn't care as much about getting away with it as people thought. The goal was to kill the CEO and everything else was secondary.
  15. Everyone's reporting this as mockery as if Trump being stupid isn't a firm possibility.
  16. I'm pretty sure Mandark would become one.
  17. I'm only pushing back against the pearl clutching.
  18. Ted Bundy was considered exceptionally friendly prior to him being caught. Maybe this guy was too. Still a serial killer, still rotten to the core, still a better world without them.
  19. If someone assassinated Hitler shortly after the holocaust started, would you take issue with people landing between uncaring and gleeful? 'Cause the guy was doing his own lil holocaust for sick people. Pardon me while I cry myself to sleep over the death of a monster I didn't even know. It's so tragic a serial killer sociopath is gone, boohoo.
  20. If Trump gets his way, peace won't be an option and compassion will have its limits.
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