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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. This is ironically timed for me personally because I’ve been sober for a month. I enjoy it but the emotional dependency got too much.
  2. Wow scrapyard, I haven’t thought of her in years. Is she still active online?
  3. The Iron Claw is now streaming on Max and yes I’ve already watched it again
  4. Now available on Max
  5. It’s storming here so I’m covered in animals
  6. Kendrick is much more talented. That’s my hot take.
  7. Ted (dog) Phoebe (tuxedo) Abby (tabby) Ted is four and finally out of the puppy phase. Phoebe is a stray that showed up through the Cat Distribution System. I’m assuming she’s under 1. Abby is 15 and has become a goblin.
  8. I don’t mind Wednesdays. Fuck Tuesday.
  9. Seen the first two episodes so far, really enjoying it. I can’t believe how good tv can look now.
  10. My best friend texted me yesterday asking if I wanted to see them May 18th. My answer? Not sure.
  11. I’ve heard a conspiracy theory that the Falcons went for Penix because of the tampering with Kirk in the chance that the trade isn’t approved? I don’t think that’s possible, but it’s being said.
  12. Kind of wish I had gone to mine for pure vanity’s sake. I feel like I have aged better than my classmates.
  13. Did you ask him any hypothetical questions? ghostrek what if Joan of Arc were in your kitchen making her famous chili recipe while Happy Jack by The Who was playing on your Zune and a centaur offered to eat your ass?
  14. The morning after, I’m trying to cope. I still don’t get it? I know last year showed us how important having depth at QB is, but using the 8th pick, after spending an obscene amount of guaranteed money on a starter reeks of bad management and disarray. I hope to be wrong.
  15. Yeah, we got a franchise QB in the free market, and sure we will need a contingency plan eventually cuz Kirk is old, but why now? Fotenot’s days are numbered.
  16. The real question: do you drink the cereal milk? I do, but my wife and daughter do not. If my wife asks me to make her a bowl, I skimp on the milk (I live like it’s the depression).
  17. Is this IB?
  18. Oh to be 20 again. I remember when that episode aired we’d switched to Lithium so it was already a nostalgic throwback to see that.
  19. I just want it to be 2029.
  20. Quadrillions. 1000000000000000s. That’s how many cicada we can expect this year, with the 13 year and 17 broods emerging at the same time. The last time this happened, Thomas Jefferson was president. The next time, in 2245, there probably won’t be an America? Do you live in an area where they’re emerging? We have just the 13 year brood here, and it’s more than enough.
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