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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. This will set a horrifying precedent.
  2. Abby died on Sunday, she was 15. She was as sweet and as well behaved as a cat can be. I buried her facing our house. We’re devastated.
  3. Fantastic women’s gold medal game in basketball.
  4. A QB so good he was benched for DESMOND RIDDER.
  5. WBD killed cartoonnetwork.com. It redirects you to sign up for Max.
  6. If you think that’s bad, wait until you hear about this Trump guy.
  7. War on Christmas reeks of desperation.
  8. My face when I’m ready to have my heart broken again
  9. Just realized I won’t be seeing many more giant “LET’S GO BRANDON” flags anymore and I felt slight glee. Can’t wait to see what “witty” shit they come up for Kamala.
  10. Pearl clutching is an Olympic sport.
  11. It’s way too early to even think this, but this seemingly has gone shockingly well for democrats. Perhaps election cycles and campaigns are too long?
  12. I’ve become really interested lately in thinking and reading about American generations (baby boomer, gen x, etc.) and it’s really interesting how a fifteen year period of whatever the fuck the economy is doing and whatever wars are or are not going on, can lead to strangely linking culture touchstones and even work ethic. But is it bullshit?
  13. Tell Zelenskyy to do the right thing.
  14. We’re drowning in pussy(cats)
  15. Trump’s winning, y’all. I’m not giving up, I’m still voting, but he just won.
  16. Same. I’m glad we make it sound like play genocide every year.
  17. Now the children are screaming and it sounds not great, and those are the neighborhood kids we like so explosion night sucks it’s cancelled.
  18. Ok that last explosion sounding like putting a satellite into orbit. We don’t play in Georgia.
  19. That sounds better than me. I’m high, on my couch, afraid of fireworks like dogs are.
  20. I just heard a child yell “OWW!” so things are getting better.
  21. Are fireworks used locally legal in your area? Does it sound like the eastern front of the Ukrainian/Russian border right outside your door too? Why the fuck do I live in the south?
  22. Yes, I love hard knocks. The film editing is great and they get it out so damn fast, it’s very impressive.
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