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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. It was posted on here I know that much
  2. I think it's in dumpster fire actually
  3. Don't let it explode
  4. Misaka

    Roll Call

    Leave me alone
  5. Fucking racist
  6. No it's tentacle rape Friday
  7. That's what I thought
  8. Don't you have a troll date with fuggs or something?
  9. And he'll be on vacation yet again
  10. Fuuka 195 ... It's finished? That's it? This ending fucking sucked!
  11. .... Do you enjoy crude rape jokes?
  12. Not even the mentally disabled would find him funny
  13. Wasn't Bast the one to eliminate him?
  14. Spill I wasn't around during that time
  15. @naraku360 http://fortune.com/2018/03/29/nintendo-switch-third-party-docks/ http://nintendoenthusiast.com/blog/2018/03/15/psa-not-use-third-party-switch-dock-5-0-update/
  16. Hide the toilet paper afterwards
  17. Black clover needs the one piece treatment
  18. It didn't like being treated like a toy
  19. Get ghost peppers and place them in his V8
  20. Are you a religious person? Because you just insulted your own belief
  21. It will burn going in and burn even more coming out
  22. Carolina reaper in his V8
  23. Did you get the email Pat sent about the switch?
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