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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. You were active before the switch to Invision right?
  2. Eh all that matters is you're here
  3. I forget did I send you the invite on FB?
  4. And everyone here was actually hoping this was real Good job getting everyone's hopes up jerk
  5. Ah you returned
  6. Why are you posting other people's kids on here?
  7. No I did I was just wondering why it was still factory sealed
  8. Buried under the windshield cover and behind the washer fluid gotta unscrewed the fluid tank just to even get at it
  9. Factory sealed tape and I bought it in 2010 used ..... Can I like ssue the dealership I bought it from?
  10. God you gotta pray Netflix gets it instead
  11. Didn't u have a gaint red m?
  12. Fushta!
  13. Misaka


    That's an old joke
  14. So what she do? I haven't seen her on FB for a while
  15. You changed it more than that
  16. Smack zeni a few times you'll get a bunch of Spanish words
  17. I wouldn't anyway I bought the permissions when I spent money in the game .... VIP 13 in just 2 years
  18. Change it to something else you don't have permission from carolgames to use their items
  19. Don't you have some racist Fatboy you need to up vote???
  20. .... well until asmb died and when you were Luna
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