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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. don't lie you feel like this
  2. princess cause lets face it you'll spoiler her to that point
  3. I found phillies and miku
  4. Misaka

    Ban screens

    OMG I'm laughing very hard at this Do it Pat!
  5. Sponge is in charge of the pictures
  6. Misaka

    Ban screens

    Welcome to hell
  7. Misaka

    Ban screens

    I'm useless and you agreeing was mean so a bit of punishment was needed an archivist job is to remember threads for archiving when we get bigger so
  8. Welcome back
  9. Misaka

    Ban screens

    Well I felt the need to share the wealth FYI I'm laughing as I'm typing this
  10. Misaka

    Ban screens

    Mine is a sheperd beagle mix she is loveable
  11. During the summer only because of tourists
  12. Misaka

    Ban screens

  13. Misaka

    Ban screens

  14. Oh I haven't eaten since last. Night
  15. Mittens mex is on the other side of the state from me
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