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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. Ok so you went from 13 to 15
  2. Move!
  3. .... Nobody else?
  4. You got married so everything she says you listen and stay quite
  5. So you went from $10 to 12
  6. What company?
  7. If the asshole of the USA goes in and give Uber his lawyers would the family have a chance still?
  8. I thought this was mochi vs pod 6
  9. The old fashioned how to tell if your breath reeks of alcohol
  10. Any bet Uber is just gonna throw her under the bus and say she disabled the sensors?
  11. Detroit it's ass beat with the batton then tazed and if you're sleeping and not responding it's waterboarding without warning
  12. This is fucking Michigan in a nutshell
  13. He wouldn't last a day in jail
  14. Shut up bençhwarrant
  15. Right Mr bençhwarrant
  16. Might as well killed toonami if they are going to air that shit
  17. Deepthroating doesn't help either
  18. Favorite character is your waifu
  19. Well it got unfloated so you lost?
  20. You dressed in drag doesn't count
  21. Why are you referring fuggs to a whale?
  22. .... seriously?
  23. Misaka

    Hey, Hulu

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