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Everything posted by Judy

  1. I've never had it and I don't have the desire to have it
  2. I like all the style changes, how in the beginning it's kind of like R-type... and then when you get control of the girl whoamg, that combat. Amazing game
  3. Ever since the baby, I feel like I've been perpetually awake
  4. Judy


    How's about the bicep and then you flex?
  5. Soon-to-be-married
  6. Just don't forget to brown the meat on all sides before adding it to the crock pot
  7. Yessir, the real deal. You know, the one that talked about feeling the pulse in the that special spot I dunno how to prove its me, though, really. You could hop in Rogues TC room real quick
  8. Aww, Sandy! I'm glad you're still around. I mean, you're not around now, but I'm glad you still post
  9. If anything, it'd be on my girlfriends son...but I have no idea what I'd do.
  10. OMG YES, OoT and MM retextured and in HD are awesome in 1080p...only achieved with emulation.
  11. It's...good. I've just played the crap out of it over the years and I'm over it.
  12. Chug a bunch of sleeping pills, like 10-20 As you get ready to doze off, tie a bag around your neck You'll die of asphyxiation and not even know it.
  13. It's always fun to work for them...with a Wal-Mart down the road. There's no reason for Sears.
  14. There's a sugar factory nearby that refines sugar beets, so I'm pretty accustomed to that smell.
  15. O_o Why is that a thing? Can you even loot them?
  16. Judy


    If I'm on here, I'm not at work, since I'm usually on the road.
  17. So...nice ass?
  18. I mean, we can only do so much, with so little, ya know?
  19. http://www.braillebookstore.com/Rook.p And Pitch is the same thing, except you use a regular deck of cards.
  20. Why do guys want trannys again?
  21. Well, I was hungry...
  22. Chocolate, please
  23. Careful...you're about to kiss me? I wonder what your cousin would think...
  24. That was Gomers shining moment, though, lol...pretty much the only useful thing he did, unfortunately.
  25. Does she know you're trying to date her? Or, you know, even acknowledge your existence? And...she's not a relative? Got my bases covered.
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