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Everything posted by Judy

  1. Assuming you're male... I don't believe in the friendzone...there's guys that women either want to have those relations with or guys women have relations with solely for fashion, decorating, or styling purposes.
  2. I didn't buy it for me, but I got this Nintendo Collectors Edition chess set for my girlfriend for Christmas, because she loves Nintendo and has never played Chess so I thought this was the perfect gift to get her into it.
  3. Been watching streams of DB Super, but eh...I'm just so over Dragonball. My girlfriend doesn't really like anime, so watching it has been few and far between. My favorite anime that I'm following pretty religiously right now, is Koutetsujou no Kabaneri...really awesome series
  4. Judy


    I can't have sex with your personality And I can't put my penis in your college degree And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams So why you're sharing all this information with me?
  5. Had some really unpleasant family things to deal with some months ago, it was definitely then. Sometimes you find out that you will care for others far more than they will care for you and themselves and you either learn to deal with that...or you don't. I couldn't deal with it, so now I'm speaking to 2 less family members in a relatively short amount of time.
  6. Sounds smart to me, you get paid to have some schmucks get your shit and bring it to you? Win/win/win
  7. Well, I'm glad there is forum, now...I was really bummed, I mean, I know I wasn't really posting much...but 2003 to now is a long time for anything, especially in the realm of the interwebs, where things go to shit quickly. 13+ years, it's hard not to be attached. I'm glad there's some familiar faces here.
  8. So...you were forced?
  9. NEW resolution...I mean you've had that mission accomplished from the womb.
  10. All very real possibilities, especially seeing as how she's a high risk pregnancy, since she takes anti-seizure meds...which incidentally, aided in her getting pregnant, since, the medication cuts the effectiveness of her birth control by a ton and thus increases the risk of miscarriage further. So yeah, thanks for the reminder.
  11. I'm sorry I took so many dicks rapidly and repeatedly
  12. I mean, I had KidneyPunch tell me almost a year later like a week ago, via Steam, that this was the sorta ASMB place...but was there some announcement on the old boards before they shut down? i
  13. Oh, I'm in it for the long con, nobody must know our "little" secret.
  14. Don't sound so disappointed, she's only a cover
  15. weeee! So, I've met this woman named Angela, we're geting married soon, we're having a child together! So many changes in the past...I dunno, it's been a while. But life is fun and Imma be a daddy! My sister is having a kid as well, he due date is almost a month after ours, it's uncanny. Angela is 8 weeks 6 days along, it has a healthy heartbeat and we really don't know much else, yet.
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