I don't dress up, but would for work or whatever, since nobody but co-workers would see me.
I think my girlfriends kid is about that age where he thinks dressing up is for children, he's 12...but he still wants the candy.}
I'd dress baby Alex up but I dunno what the point would be.
Hey babe
My name says JehutyNinja under my account, but I think Rogue changed it to Judy, like they called me in TC cause nobody could pronounce Jehuty LOL
Honestly, I think women are put off by your charisma and the fact that you bleed testosterone.
I mean, if you look at a woman, she'll get pregnant.
Nothing you can do, besides maybe maiming your face, so as to lure the ladies in.
I prefer dogs, but I seem to have animal magnetism, they all love me... I always find owners in that their pet never does that to strangers. Depending on the cat, I assume dander, I can be allergic