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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Speaks better Klingon than Ghostrek
  2. Beef stew in the crockpot. I'm off the next two days so that's what I'll eating until Friday or Saturday
  3. Feet was involved in this?
  4. Sleeps with Mr. Socko
  5. Has as body pillow of Kenny Omega
  6. Was abducted by aliens
  7. Some fried chicken wings, cilantro and lime rice and mac and cheese
  8. So one of the butchers was let go, good one down 2 to go.
  9. Saving money for tuba lessons
  10. Gets more ass than a toilet seat
  11. Best vacation of my life!
  12. Beat up a 5 muggers with a steel chair. Once the muggers were reduced to a bloody pile of broken bones she got up from the chair.
  13. Plays goalie for a local beer league hockey team
  14. Knows that's it's the other way around
  15. Brings own coffee to Starbucks
  16. Would've gotten away with it if weren't for those meddling kids
  17. Is not a doctor but plays one in real life
  18. Knows how to talk to walruses
  19. People who say that they have that one friend that they just can't take anywhere but still continue to take said friend out somewhere
  20. Is that one friend that you just can't anywhere
  21. Says she didn't start the fire. Claims it was always burning since the world's been turning.
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