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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. For the record, the U.S. is very skeptical of Israel's plans. Israel would have invaded Gaza already if the U.S. wasn't restraining them. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2023/10/25/the-3-plans-biden-wants-from-israel-00123432
  2. Was it the public masturbation that gave it away?
  3. File photo of him and his 2020 opponent, Jack Jeffson.
  4. One year ago.
  5. Even if we overcome this Tuberville blockade, the Senate needs to change. There are too many positions left unfilled because of the Senate. No other organization would function this way. Senate reform has to be a thing.
  6. U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected PUBLISHED THU, OCT 26 2023 8:30 AM EDT UPDATED 9 MIN AGO https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/26/us-gdp-grew-at-a-4point9percent-annual-pace-in-the-third-quarter-better-than-expected.html For comparison, the average over the past decade is about 2.4%, and this is slightly higher than the CBO's 2019 projection. In other words, higher than what was expected before the Covid pandemic.
  7. You know who I'm losing patience with? Some of the people judging others for their reactions to the Israel-Gaza war. Today I saw a guy make the judgement, "you must really not sleep good at night. I bet the weight of your own guilt weighs you down immeasurably because of what you said". My basic paraphrase. Like, you're an anonymous person online judging strangers in melodramatic biblical terms. I can't take you seriously. Do you know how many wars and genocides that have JUST occurred within my lifetime that I have made comments about? Unless you cared enough to pass judgement at least during the 2016 battle of Mosul, you can stop with that nonsense.
  8. Mike Johnson must be one of those Congressmen who I could never identify whenever I would go to the U.S. Capitol for work. Some members I could immediately recognize, but there was this blob of Republican men who I never learned anything about.
  9. Apparently the judge in the civil trial has called Trump to the stand and is questioning him.
  10. Compare Israel's siege of Gaza in 2023 and the anti-ISIL coalition's (Iraq, Hezbollah/Iran, the U.S./Britain/a bunch of other Western nations) siege of Mosul 2016-17. Both battles caused unspeakable civilian death tolls, but it's the Gaza issue that's causing an international outcry. In Mosul, everybody had the same enemy so they didn't care about civilian deaths.
  11. Richard Roundtree, ‘Shaft’ Star, Dies at 81 https://variety.com/2023/film/obituaries-people-news/richard-roundtree-dead-shaft-1235767495/
  12. No Republican is going to get 217 votes for Speaker without Democrats.
  13. If I were a Democratic negotiator, I would start out with a maximalist offer (like proposing Pelosi or even Jeffries himself as Speaker) and working my way down in negotiations. Because Republicans wouldn't have a lot of leverage, and I've never seen so many desperate politicians in one place before.
  14. This had truly been some amazing schadenfreude. The kind you want to have a cigarette after. But important things have to get done soon.
  15. I'm surprised I'm still getting notifications for this thread. You guys must like Justice League/RWBY.
  16. I volunteered with a pro-refugee group because of the Syrian Civil War, and during its darkest moments, I felt similarly to the way I feel today: not an existential risk to me, but a nagging dread for people far away for who it is existential.
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