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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. I can confirm the DC Comics X account hasn't posted in over a week.
  2. Ten hours of "post apocalyptic resistance shelter" ambiance.
  3. It makes you ask, how does the GOP plan on winning if they don't have money to campaign with?
  4. More evidence of an enthusiasm problem for Republicans.
  5. I am.
  6. What an adorably festive hobby of your other half.
  7. The rate of cigarette smoking has increased. The number of deaths from lung cancer has increased. Why is this happening? We need more cigarette smoking.
  8. In the last ten years, more people have died from gun violence too.
  9. My ten-year risk for heart disease. Seems low, right? Tell that to my hypochondriac mind that is expecting a heart attack/stroke/heart failure at any given moment.
  10. Another case: while in college, I needed credits from an English course and the professor turned out to be a poet who writes about Appalachia. I was like, "ahhhhhh fuck". I read all of his books of poetry because I had to. Don't remember any of it. But gave them to my mom, who still reads them to this day.
  11. I don't know if this counts as unpopular, but I have a visceral dislike of most Southern U.S. culture. Hating where you are from may be common and thus not unpopular, you see. I hate when people try to romanticize the South. Visiting my mom's house for the holiday, she was playing an episode of a show called "The Heartland Series," which I've seen before thru her. It's a long-running local TV show that romanticizes and tells quirky stories about Appalachia. And just listening to it is like nails on a chalkboard. Appalachia is terrible, and when people say positive things about it, I feel like I'm being lied to. Maybe this is more a thing to talk with a therapist about than a message board thread though. But it's worth trying to keep the thread going.
  12. I honestly don't know what's going on with that guy. It's part nerd and part lame dad, but nerds and lame dads are fundamentally likable. And this guy is not. He replaces likability with nefariousness.
  13. I wasn't expecting a Great Schism reference on the eve of my four days off work due to Thanksgiving.
  14. Twin Peaks and MST3K are in the top five greatest TV shows of all time. See? I can't do unpopular anymore.
  15. According to Watch Mojo. I'm impressed with myself because I've actually played several of these and actually like them. I didn't realize I was so into gaming this year.
  16. Peaches & Herb un-reunited-ed.
  17. Just trying to formulate thoughts on a complex topic. You are seeing my process of doing so. I'm doing this instead of working like I should be. Edit: maybe I should keep my stream of consciousness writing to my own private notes.
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