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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. I don't think Trump knows how to correctly use quotation marks.
  2. I don't know about this. McCarthy's ouster seems like a more direct form of democracy. The House rule that the GOP made at the start of Congress in January was that one member can demand the Speaker go, and then the full House would have to vote on it. Alternatives to this are also democracy. Say, there being NO motion to vacate possible and instead the person elected Speaker serves a term of until the Congress ends. Or one member can file a motion to vacate, but the full House is under NO obligation to vote on it. Those would both be non-controversial ideas keeping with democracy. But this rule is more direct and immediate. I don't think it by itself hurts democracy.
  3. Trump says help in all caps.
  4. Republicans blaming Democrats for McCarthy's ouster. Imagine if the tables were turned, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in trouble and needed Republicans to vote to save her. Not in a million years would Republicans do it.
  5. I think so. He's a pretty intense cat in story.
  6. It's about shifting blame and not taking responsibility for oneself.
  7. Lashing out after failing to take responsibility for one own party's actions.
  8. "I'm sure I won't miss you, but see you soon." - McCarthy to the reporters as he ends the press conference.
  9. McCarthy is now doing a long point about Hitler and Neville Chamberlain. It's been going on for a few minutes. It started as a question about Ukraine aide.
  10. McCarthy is currently doing a press conference that I would describe as informal, and not giving any fucks. He's doing back and forth with reporters and giving details about things asked of him that a politician wouldn't normally give. "I didn't say that in that private conversation, here's what really happened." Etc.
  11. It's someone else's fault the face eating leopard ate my face.
  12. The House is voting on whether to remove the Speaker.
  13. McCarthy is definitely over. Yikes. The first time in U.S. history a Speaker is forced out by a motion to vacate the chair.
  14. Barring any last minute grand deal, McCarthy is going to lose his speakership today.
  15. RFK Jr. is going to run as an independent in the general election. This sets up a debate over which of the two party's candidates he will steal votes from. Nate Silver thinks he will take votes away from the Republican.
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