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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. Cuban Pete. Like from The Mask.
  2. I keep getting memories of the 00s when I was suspicious of all social media. I read all the negative news articles about Facebook, and didn't open an account until years after everyone else had. Now, Facebook looks tame by comparison, and Musk is similar to what I feared at the time about it.
  3. Non-credible threats are cringeworthy. "The split second court"? I wouldn't take that seriously because the phrase is absurd.
  4. I haven't been back on Twitter in weeks. I have it blocked in an app/website blocker. Yes, my mental health has improved because of it. Its quality is similar to 4chan now, and I haven't been there in years.
  5. The gist of it is that "multipolar" technically defines many different countries of equal power, similar to European countries before the outbreak of WWI. The current world is far from that at this time. There are only two standout countries right now: the U.S., which is by far the most powerful, and China, which hopes to overtake the U.S. some day. All other countries languish behind, culturally, economically and militarily. That's not multipolar. It could eventually be bipolar, but that itself is not guaranteed.
  6. Years ago while working at a store, I checked the calories on the various flavors of Pop Tarts. The one with the fewest is like one of the chocolatey ones.
  7. I just saw this. I remember vaguely hearing that about the creator. But that parochial controversy does not get much more than an inkling of interest from me compared to the games. I was very impressed by the first game's satire of dead end jobs (like a security guard). I think that's why it subliminally spoke to many people at the time.
  8. Know how your family has a secret recipe that was passed down from your grandparents, but it's sad because they were poor and the food reflects that? That's what I want banned.
  9. Memes are a terrible way to express opinions, especially if it's on serious subject matter. I think less of the opinion if you are able to reduce it to a meme.
  10. Considering that, I'll wait till after the verdict to look at election polls.
  11. It's going to be a presidential election like none other because one of the two parties candidates is probably going to be incarcerated by next November. The D.C. federal trial is supposed to start early March and will probably be over weeks later with a guilty verdict. Judging by how the hundreds of other Jan. 6 defendant trials have went. That leaves 7 months before election day for a sentencing to be held.
  12. McCarthy has been doing media interviews because he's really chatty now. One interview in particular is with CNN. It's mostly about him being angry at the Republicans who ousted him. But then he says this: Trumpism is the reason McCarthy's career is over. We don't appreciate how self-destructive Trumpism is. When you ally yourself with a face-ripping gorilla, don't be surprised we you get your face ripped off.
  13. One could argue the MCU is a diluted, popular version of Marvel Comics, and thus it's a good thing.
  14. I'm still not over this. This writer doesn't understand there's a reason people fall asleep during Dune movies.
  15. By "lowering of cardiovascular risk," I mean you have a certain percentage of chance of dying of cardiovascular cause, a nonfatal myocardial infarction or a nonfatal stroke over a ten year period. Taking this medicine will reduce that percentage by about 20%.
  16. I read the abstract of the study. This headline both overstates the benefits and makes it seem more novel than it is. What the study really says is this medicine has been treating people with type II diabetes longer than it has been treating people with obesity. The lowering of cardiovascular risk in diabetics has been known, but whether it does the same in non-diabetics has been unclear. This study concludes, yes, the lowering of risks does occur in non-diabetic obese people similar to diabetic people.
  17. Writer Hickman was responsible for re-inventing the mutants of Marvel a few years ago in the House of X/Powers of X event. Imagine the X-Men, but you turn the whole franchise into a bleak sci fi tale similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's intended to be an epic but it just sucks the life out of them and takes away everything positive. For some reason a lot of people liked it.
  18. I read the 4-issue miniseries. Pretentious time traveling AND multiversal dreck with a dumb villain and ugly art. Penciller Hitch couldn't draw a human face right to save his life. I am concerned about the relaunch of the Ultimate universe.
  19. I didn't fall for the unspecified Joe thing in the title. But I greatly appreciate the attempt.
  20. What wacky, Dharma and Greg-level shenanigans will you do next, online influencer man?
  21. The older animated short that Regular Show is based on is brilliant. It's about these two guys (characters that would eventually become Mordecai and Benson) working a late night shift at a convenience store. It's very Clerks-like but more fun to watch because it's animated.
  22. The best parts about Regular Show were there...um, regular parts. They were funny and unique. I often tuned out when the supernatural or surreal parts started. They were not as interesting. Amatuer surrealism isn't good apparently.
  23. ...the garlic bread was too salty. Yikes.
  24. I'm scared of heart disease. Well specifically, heart attacks and sudden cardiac death. Whatever killed my uncle nine years ago when he left his house that morning looking normal and by lunch time he had died.
  25. They are like, "you've earned 20 free points. Your choices to redeem are: One free side of bread in four servings. One free sauce cup." Like, one of these things.
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