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Everything posted by Neko

  1. I just wanna cuddle
  2. Or this lady Misha B...I'll stop posting
  3. Or this lady Yvonne Nelson
  4. This lady Olunike Adeliyi
  5. Oh yea, how far are you from me, we should link up.
  6. Liquid cocaine to get got. Mainly vodka.
  7. Here, only the best!!!
  8. Best!!
  9. Ty guise....I had fun on a cruise. It was cool to see people in n Speedos in Mexico!!!
  10. Gave away 2gs of my tax money already. Been spending on shit that I don't need like cat earphones and led light strings. Still haven't planned my cruise yet.
  11. I was cold af that night. Dress was short and cute. Feet freezing and toes numb. Cold rain but my make up was decent so I was going out that night dammit.
  12. Keep up the weight loss goal. Looking good as always.
  13. Out for the night
  14. I have long tiddays. How about that?
  15. Fuck that nightmare fuled food. I did an experience years ago, quit fastfood and felt a whole helluva lot better. Tastes ok, not worth eating much that you feel slow and getting nightmares from eating it before sleeping.
  16. Most, I wouldn't mind. Y'all pretty cool. A few I would talk friendly shit to... And some I would sit in a corner and stare intently at. Would really love to be with Rogue and Sasha and Cracky and his wife.
  17. I live in the south, with a higher saturation of AA. Weird that any KKK would come here...rual is around the corner in most parts Carolina
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