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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Yeah, honestly the best part was feeling the love, and hugging people and complementing lol. The worse was all the extra energy lol
  2. I shouldn’t do it too much, like it’s my third time this school year. It’s been weird year for me. Lol
  3. Well we have all been quarantined for a while now, and we all don't leave often, so we are just stuck together in the same building for weeks. lol
  4. Last night about 12 of us did Molly. >_> I was wildin <_< First we were hugging trees, then cuddling, dancing badly, just being weird lol
  5. YAY! I'm waiting on my gov check so I can pay rent for the summer and fall. XD
  6. I mean you can spy on other things. >__> Like people fighting or coming and going from their house. lol <__<
  7. As someone who lives with like 60 Gen Z ers this semester and others last semester, and constantly goes to school with them. I gotta say, they aren't that bad. Maybe too hyper aware about sensitivity to things, which isn't necessarily bad. I mean yeah, you got your idiots with tide pod and corona virus challenges, but what generation doesn't have their idiots? I honestly like them, studying, and communicating with them gives me hope for the future.
  8. Well this whole covid 19 got me thinking how it would affect them, so I looked them up on social media. Found out that one of my cousins, who I wasn't close to, died cause of it recently. My immediate family is ok, for the most part. But still, I knew the virus has spread particularly quickly in my hometown, but it's already killed a family member. I feel like a fool for making so many jokes about it, and not taking it seriously. And even though I have achieved so much separating myself from my abusive family, I do feel guilt for doing so. I think after the quarantine lifts, I might reconnect, not for my mother, or sisters too much, mostly for my grandmother.
  9. What games? I’m probably gonna play god of war 4 again soon after my assignments.
  10. Cause I still online classes and finals are next month.
  11. Cause you never know what surprising thing will change your life. I mean, how many times did you look back at something and think, "Why was I like that, why did I say those things?". We are always changing and the circumstances in our lives as well.
  12. I do >__> Only cause I have sleeping problems. <__<
  13. Eh do what makes you happy! The game will be there when you are ready. lol
  14. Anyone even tryna flirt is gonna get the bonk! 😮
  15. You shouldn't have to change your icon unless you actually want too. And not having a siggy might be a good think since others can't see it. XD
  16. I just bought a PS4 over a month ago cause being social at school was making me depressed. First thing I did was replay infinite, and during the Quarantine I just beat it on 1999 mode again without the dollar bill machines. 😁
  17. Yay! Then you don't get the bonk!
  18. Thanks! I think it's an accurate description of me right now. XD
  19. Yay bioshock fans
  20. The puppers? Lol
  21. It's definitely more narrative driven, but also more depressing lol
  22. Yes, specifically from the DLC burial at Sea. I figure her smoking represents me vaping all the time now.>__> And my sig is this:
  23. This is the funniest thing to happen this me morning. XD
  24. I luvs it. ❤️
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