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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. He did approve of a few sites, but I'm tempted to leave a pornhub tab open or even hentai for the lulz. >__> Do you think it will hurt the grading of my midterm? The proctors will be overlooking 100s of browsers and webcams so I think they should get a chuckle after awhile. XD
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Well they is all done, I straight marathoned it when it finished lol
  4. Watchmen on HBO is a must! Only 9 episodes.
  5. The bay be saying we are 'sheltering in place.' lol https://www.sfchronicle.com/local-politics/article/Bay-Area-must-shelter-in-place-Only-15135014.php
  6. Come on in, I got a ps4 with a few amount of games, a good supply of weed, and we can watch netflix or amazon prime.
  7. Same, but not same. I bought a small bottle of tequila. lol
  8. Same with me an amazon. XD Also I'll be scared if my friends get too paranoid. lol
  9. Hopefully not, that's awlful. Of course the few of us that are staying behind are expected to continue our co-op workshifts to keep the place tidy, but I hope I don't have to do office work on fridays. >__>
  10. This didn't come out >__>
  11. Yeah so now would be a good time to implement. Man I enjoyed having chorizo the other week that, that's all I want to stock up on for the next two weeks, and weed. XD
  12. I think the worse of it will be me slipping into cabin fever. Lol
  13. Had friend warn me it could happen in less than 72 hours which spawned my freak out lol.
  14. Dam internet restrictions
  15. One of US!! lol I just want to be held.
  16. I'm so happy I've been at this place for years so it holds familiarity well.
  17. Thank goodness for that.
  18. They just pair well with each other.
  19. Lol I uber eats a donut the other day, so I get it.
  20. Apparently the nation is going into a nationwide quarantine.
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