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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. What kind of matter is it? Liquid, Gas, solid, or plasma?
  2. Oh my god, you guys are making laugh so hard. 🤣 What can I say I'm an ambitious person.
  3. The funny thing is, I wasn't trying to be funny, but I"m laughing at everyone else's reactions. 🤣
  4. I'm gonna be 30 this year, in a way, growing old itself is a gift, because there are a lot of people who don't even get that opportunity.
  5. Happy freaking birthday!
  6. Everyone in class had good answers, working to help their family, working hard to get a good job, or some other reasonable answer. And I remember thinking, "Nothing motivates me". And then I remembered that my hatred for my family motivated me to work hard and hatred for myself for being weak in the past, but I couldn't necessarily say that out loud, >__> so at the time, I sad "Working hard to prove others wrong". But I've been like really hating camo guy lately, like I can't even stand how much of a jerk he is. Like after I confronted last week, I went home and solved 3 problems from the project that weekend while he did none. Flash forward to yesterday, and I was in extreme pain and couldn't finish the last problem due for the extra credit deadline. He got upset, which just made me hate him even more, long story short, I had an engineer friend in my student housing that helped me finish it. But today, I knocked half of our lab assignment in 2 hours just because I'm so fucking mad at him. 🤣 I just don't want to pass this class, I want to fucking humiliate him. I thought I was bad at understanding CS, but now that I'm back on my energetic anti depressants, I feel WAAAAAY more focus than I have my whole time here at this school. I want to do better on the midterm just to rub it in his face, I want to rise above this guy, and honestly, nothing motivates me more than hatred for those who undervalue me. Maybe that's why I love Regina from Once upon a time so much! 🤣
  8. Cause you said my idea wasn’t good. And when backed into a corner I can be vicious >_>
  9. You put a single weed up your nostril, then you light it while it's still in the nostril. Tots safe.
  10. They have online registration confirmation for diplomas and shit. I had to through the process to prove I was a student to qualify for low income housing.
  11. I don’t like mine lol
  12. Exactly! Plus I might actually learn something from the best
  13. The smart ass in me wants to say, well which one of has passed classes at an R1 institution. >_> Forgive me <_<
  14. Step 1: Go to your insturctor's office hours every week and just cry. Cry how hard everything is, cry about how you are trying, and just keep crying. Then the instructors will offer extra help. I've been implementing this strategy for 2 semester and definitely helped me again today. 😅
  15. Oh dang. Thats crazy. Take care of yourself at there. Maybe catch up on some shows >__>
  16. What region are you currently at? Glad the cops didn’t show
  17. A weed butt with a lil weed left on, I’ll still smoke dry lol
  18. I'm not taking this seriously either. I just the same post of "I win" after every argument that you post, it's kinda ridiculous after the billionth time. And notice how I said kinda in my post as in not an accurate or equal representation, just "kinda". But when I think of those arguers, it isn't about getting to the facts, it's always about winning them. Sophists if you will. Also, I didn't demand responses from specific people, it's the boards on teh internet, that's why I'm talking about my drama, it doesn't matter to much online but more what I do about it later.
  19. Yes, you really do brah. We all need wins, but constantly declaring yourself right in a situation you know very little about kinda reminds me of Dunning Kruger effect.
  20. I rarely remember my dreams, I think I would enjoy the mundane one. lol
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