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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Oh. I panicked, and I kid you not, cause they asked me to email someone else and I kinda started crying. >__> My anxiety is getting worse. <__<
  2. I hate talking to people face to face, and like this includes zoom. XD Can't I just talk to everyone in a forum like setting. lol
  3. Helping high school students with writing their personal insight questions applying into to college. Basically to say what they are looking for. I had a panic attack during training tho, not in front of any of the mentees. >__>
  4. I don't want to be a dog.
  5. and had a panic attack during it today. XD Someone just kill me pls. I really am a meek weak ass sheep. Now I gotta explain myself to my supervisor at some unknown time this evening. >___> It will be chill.
  6. This is a very interesting angle I had not considered and I do think plays a huge factor into what's going on. Even with white protesters that do have good intentions but are getting caught up in the looting too.
  7. I think it's a lil bit that they are afraid losing this very power itself. It's why they hate cancel culture itself, they see the signs social media changing how people can't get away with stuff as easily anymore. I think it's making people to cling to their power even more. As for Trump, I know a lot of southerners feel jilted by the establishment democrats, and thought maybe slightly racist policies would help them maintain that power for a little longer, but I think some must feel like utter shit to see how bad their president is now.
  8. I could see this, they really are scared tho aren't they? Like I'm thinking that a lot of racist actions and backlash over the past recent years is a fear of being replaced. Or moreover, that they are afraid people of color will get the exact SAME equal opportunities in life, and that they will no longer have a competitive chance at their capitalist aspirations. Like when that man asked the women to put a leash on her dog, she really couldn't take that a black person was telling her what to do. She liked that she couldn't utilize her power over someone else, and now all the racist people are seeing that this power is being taken away too through social media. I think it's making them more antsy.
  9. I wasn't saying it was more bad in particular, more that, it's really odd that people would stare straight in cell cameras and CONTINUE to be racist. Like why would you insist on your 'superior' beliefs immediately after a lock down, especially on camera? Wouldn't you want to walk the moment someone pulls out a cell?
  10. Social media has certainly been a huge tool in our modern day democracy. For one thing so many people wouldn't be as upset if we didn't have evidence of the wide scale racism happening in the country. l'm also seeing people on social media call out cops undercover and other false flag attempts to demonize the cause. We just have to make sure technology is openly available to the people and used for state wide purposes like facial recognition technology.
  11. Yeah, feels like a big year for transformation. I'm also sensing those once in power are more afraid than ever.
  12. Yeah a lot of jackasses are high jacking the protests.
  13. I saw Pat's pussy
  14. Like, it makes me think dam that shit must be instinctual for them since a lot of people felt the need to be racist just as the country was thinking about open up. Like seriously, the lynchings, the police, the dumb ass karens, America so racist it can't even be forced to contain for a dam pandemic.
  15. Thats way too sweet of you. I also forgot we are living in a pandemic. >__> Definitely be safe, and do what is sensible and only visit places if you have too. Thanks ❤️
  16. I meant things as a generic noun. As it ideas, perspectives, things throughout history, etc.
  17. I’ve found thats it’s a great answer to start exploring things.
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