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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Eat some zinc. And take care.
  2. I know we are supposed to put in a lot of work into school, it's just this semester has been the death of me really mentally. Kinda at my end's rope but still pushing through. Idk, at least I got another 2 weeks till the next one.
  3. The rule of three?
  4. I should at least try practicing it next time. >_>
  5. I didn't practice timing it, a problem with procrastination, and a lesson for the next one. lol
  6. I know it's not the score I got, probably close to a high B, I didn't have a great visual aid, but people said I did seem passionate about the subject. Teacher isn't grading critiques, but she is grading out outlines, and I think my shines way more than the words that could ever come out of my mouth. lol I remember retail critiques, tough crowd lol.
  7. I changed the subject of the speech from the Prison Industrial complex to the Medical Industrial complex because I was reading the grading rubric and saw she gave more points if the topic was more relatable. Anyways spent a good half of the speech stumbling on the intro, lost track of time, had to rush the rest in about 4 minutes going over the limit. But I guess I get points for participating early right? >.> Oh mah gawd then the classmates are supposed to anonymously critique you, and the teachers gives us these critiques later. These 18 year old bitches gave me 6/10!!! My ghetto ass almost wanted to shout "EH! WHO GRADED ME LIKE THIS?!?!" But I didn't. =| Oh well at least it's done with now I'm gonna take an edible and drink alcohol.
  8. If it's market based economics then I constantly devalue my worth by donating hair and blood at times. Although I could always say only had one user.
  9. So you're a nekophile now?
  10. Don't you work a lot? Idk, society always tries to put a label or "right way" things happen but there is no real good answer. It kinda depends if it's something you want to actively seek for.
  11. But I wanna A. =| I want to go to Uni.
  12. As a source? Welp that's not the worst thing to use.
  13. There are some rules. It's supposed to be an informative speech, so we have to "inform" people about something. She also used people passions as a bad example, stating that a student once talked about hello kitty and she didn't grade them well. Kinda has to somewhat relatable to our audience I suppose. She did say she liked my idea though.
  14. Well I do have a weed vape pen, might actually work better than the alcohol. lol
  15. I did not consider the blatant racism of it. I was considering a section, who it affects, and the reason why it means anything to me cause I know this industry is going to prey on immigrants the most. Especially now that the some court recently said they can detain immigrants indefinitely without lawyers and rights. It makes me so angry for people to ignore such blatant acts against freedom, that the U.S. truly doesn't consider others human beings and all that. I think I need need five sections the most, so far all I could think is, What the private prison industry is, and who it affects.
  16. I dance drunk and high to this song in my room right now. Not gonna lie, not my usual pick. lol
  17. I dun wanna. But the teacher said she would grade easier the people who went first. Alright here is what I got, "Why is like, the U.S. have the highest prison population than anywhere in the U.S? Hmmmmmmmm?" Idk >.> I usually can produce a good paper but speaking out loud is something I am quite terrible at. lol
  18. So what's selling material?
  19. I think I knew as a child they were bad, but bad visual affects certainly doesn't stop me from watching a story, hell one of my favorite t.v. shows has some of the worst graphics on television. But perhaps it's because I just have a good imagination and more interested in narratives over visuals. lol
  20. But couldn't focused at all! I mean had all the paperwork, lying there in front of me, and the brain was like, thinking is hard to focus. So now I took an edible and drinking alcohol. It's due Friday, I'll just procrastinate to think better I suppose. I was thinking about talking about the Private prison industry. It's for Communications 1A, public speaking. I hate public speaking.
  21. I agree, that's why I'm suggesting we should be more open to our flaws, instead of trying to hide and cover them.
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