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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. What was it like?
  2. I was thinking like what would be an easy, but talkative cosplay piece. And usually I gotta stop and think, hhmmm well what's relevant? Well everyone I'm certain has been watching Devilman Crybaby because it's available on netflix, but still, what costume can I do? Then I think the awlful idea Of being Miki's killer? Carry a fake hunter's knife, make a miki head. Like I can build an anime head and put it on a spike. Y/N or I have no soul? *also I'm sorry I don't know how to put spoiler bar tab up
  3. French toast isn't great for diabetics. I like to make toast to absurbs things, drinks all around. I like toasted bread on my juicy sandwiches, let me scrape some egg yolk on the bread yo.
  4. I wish they had more sugar free option coffee drinks that weren't just black coffee.
  5. Technically none were, but I argue, watch dogs dos was released November 2016, so it's so dam close to 2017, that it should just technically count.
  6. Teh weed? It's freaking great!!! Zero damage to your liver unlike alcohol. The only "hangover" you might have is sleepiness from the day before, not bad at all. It feels like your body will start to tingle a bit, and then you feel relaxed and hyper focus on one thought at a time in the beginning. You feel comfortable staying still and chilling, cotton mouth or dry mouth is real, so is munchies after like an hour. And your mood is tends to lean on the happier side, making you giggle at things, it will be much stronger for you the first time though, things might be more interesting. Also, I just wanna say, to anyone on the boards, please try to stick to the "healthier" drugs available like shrooms, cannabis, etc. We have a few ibers we lost to the wrong kind of drugs, something I don't want repeated ever again.
  7. Jose Cuervo is one of my favorite men. I just finished one of him last week. >.> I hope he come through though, guess lucky I have dispensaries readily available.
  8. Naruto Shippuden filler is actually pretty great... For getting my homework done while it's playing in the background. Helps me focus on my assignments and helps me rush so I don't have anything to do when the cannon story starts. Just got to Kage summit ep. 204 dubbed.
  9. But does it matter in the grand scheme of things?
  10. Robot Assassinations is a command away! I guess pretty interesting customer service applications, but with personality? lol Oh mah gawd I'd either jump of fear or lose my breath laughing.
  11. Well at least you got introduced to them, I started watching my fav show that no one else really cares about, "Once upon a time" just to see one actors particular acting abilities, and now I don't give a shit about that guy and love the show 10 times more!!
  12. I kinda of see it as chaotic neutral. I'm kinda excited to see nerds carry giant toblerones at conventions if I was gonna be honest.
  13. I unfortunately haven't been playing many video games lately, I played some repeats of bioshock, some new Wolfenstein, but mostly and completed Watch Dogs 2. And I'm gonna say my favorite was Watch dogs 2 because I'm a vain about my love of the bay. >.> But also it was just a nice, chill game without too much pressure to complete missions, and kinda fun to take my time on. Hoping the new God of War will be my top game this year, it's already paid off. <.<
  14. Yes, but she is a pretty advance robot, those dang features, and how she pauses for her answers. It's interesting to see where these AI's will go.
  15. lol Idk, everyone here talks about him, and I'm like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But hella bay area proud.
  16. I hope that is the cynicism talking and this doesn't become reality. Nostalgia still has a large market though, maybe they can make references how children are more obsessed with social media than playing? Idk.
  17. Or he bettah be filming space jam 2!! Either or, even have Michael Jordan make a cameo, I wanna see some looney tunes.
  18. That's some hardcore shizz right there.
  19. I get you, I'm on medi cal and got shitty insurance, and it's sucks to switch doctors on the phone.
  20. Except that Stephen Curry is like our Bay Area Champion king here in the Bay. And since he is a big deal, HE BETTER GET A CAMEO IN SPACE JAM 2!! Dammit Lebron, get on it! REP THE BAY STEPHEN!!
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