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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Clowns like to honk real loud and pretend like the non-clown ideas and opinions are laughable and absurd and a fringe belief but most regular working and oppressed people either already share the same opinion, or would readily agree with and then share the same opinion were they to ever hear it expressed and framed with the appropriate context. But the noxious circus tent is heavily fortified and while their numbers are relatively somewhat smaller, their sheer biomass advantage + unjust resource allocation funneling infrastructure make the evil clowns formidable, and the libs of course are fat and stupid with all the swine trough meats and sugars in their diets making them susceptible to their baser instincts and lower animal thinking, their craven addictions - built on exploitation and environmental degradation - forcing their already weak and wormy knees to disintegrate completely and give in at the first honking of clown panics and clownwars. The circus world persists. Now more than ever we need a clown react for this phenomenon of ubiquitous clownery that we so often see from assorted dust- and devil-clowns and their ever-squealing sounder of shitting pig lib patron-enablers.
  2. Clowns rule the world
  3. Jarlston Ratstone Poop Levee Jason Jimothy Reggie Normalton John Jacob John-Jacob Jericho Orston Eels Tick Stain Saint Cycloptic Truth Kristrips Perslangley Grip Chick James Farcey Falston O'Heim Imperical
  4. I got it new
  5. Now I'm thinking about this old post and thread https://unevenedge.com/topic/29522-doom-thread/?tab=comments#comment-501864
  6. That's right, no cheese just chicken and onions and cilantro + limes and delicious sauces. And a couple of times they also included some thin sliced radishes but not every time. It can be an uncomfortable amount of chicken, but each taco comes with two tortillas so you can make two skinny mini tacos and add your own ingredients and stuff at home which is what I like to do.
  7. I need to listen to all her stuff, just too good.
  8. That is completely impossible
  9. You aren't making any sense, please calm down
  10. I'm gonna bury my name in you
  11. Don't panic, it'll be ok
  12. I haven't really watched AEW in a long time. The shit is trash
  13. Good to see you wacky. A link dump, ok well here's a voxplainer on why most people aren't calling it genocide. https://www.vox.com/23020696/ukraine-russia-genocide-allegations If Biden wants to take the lead here and reframe and label any other wars and illegal occupations as genocide then I would be happy to listen to the arguments in this new context and then consider whether the term now applies to Ukraine, but in the meantime no people like Drone Master Brandon do not get to use the politically loaded buzzword term of genocide to whip up public sentiment against Russia because it happens to be one of America's enemies doing 'genocide' for a change instead of one of our own, in which case we always vociferously disagree that anything remotely comparable to genocide is happening and use our domineering power to strike down any attempts to officially recognize it as such and insist that it is definitely not genocide that is happening.
  14. I don't believe it is a dog whistle for the kind of mass extermination program that rises to the level of genocide -- it is not apparent to me that killing as many Ukranians as possible for the sake of their deaths is a pointed military objective of Russia. That is not what we are seeing. Wanting control over the region for strategic or imperial aims does not necessarily mean wanting the deaths of a significant number of people who live there. Their lives and deaths seem largely irrelevant to Russia. They are doing their military operation that consists of invading another country and trying to change its military and leadership -- just as the US and its allies do whenever we bump up against the limits of our soft power to shape other """sovereign""" nations. Large numbers of people die over the course of this military operation, as they do when any country attacks another -- this is not 'genocide.' How did the consensus on this go from "wow, Russia really thought it would be quick and easy and relatively painless for them to take over Ukraine, haha they sure bungled it and didn't expect the Ukranians to fight so hard and now are in a protracted war" to "Russia is invading Ukraine to do genocide on the people living there." This is absurd, it is without merit, it is claimed for political purposes, and does not accurately describe the situation.
  15. 22%
  16. If you support the Team America bloc getting to punish any and every given country and leader in the world whenever they momentarily mirror the former's regular course of behavior, you are enabling them to maintain their hegemony, wielding the concept of intl law and human rights as a perveted political weapon while they of course execute with impunity innumerable more atrocities than any of their politically convicted opponents. This..... Cannot be strongly denied.
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tm1guEsyBR8
  18. Sorry, but they tell us all the time that bombing civilian areas is fine and dandy if that's where armed enemy soldiers are hiding or launching attacks from , "using civilians as human shields!!" All I see in Ukraine is a bunch of terrorists using terrorist tactics on a noble military superpower just trying to do a military operation to secure geopolitical leverage for its own national interests and future. What's good for Palestine and Afghanistan and Libya and Syria is good for Ukraine. Maybe Zelensky has to die in order to end the humanitarian nightmare his country is becoming, and damn whatever may follow in the vacuum. There is no genocide. There is no international process Ukraine can appeal to. They need to stop letting in the American dogs and their radical right wing terrorist thugs who they arm and train and fund and send into snakepit proxy wars all over the world. The people in Ukraine need to just grit and bear what is happening to them. That is all that Ukraine is afforded. Sorry that bribing Hunter Biden didn't get you guys any more, but this is the world, these are the rules that America has created for everyone to play by.
  19. 10,000 + people dead in a nation of 40+ million after how many weeks of war being waged for reasons that have nothing to do with increasing the death toll as an intentional objective on its own. This is not genocide. That is not what genocide means. Quoting the same one line definition does not change that. Just stop.
  20. I am begging you to go educate yourself instead of linking that screenshot over and over. This is just bad faith on your part.
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