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💜 mahala_la_la

Internet Dad
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Everything posted by 💜 mahala_la_la

  1. Looks like some weird ashtray. -_'
  2. I think that was 2013.
  3. I may start actively watching Toonami again.
  4. I read the whole thing, and I think you make a valid point. There's a lot of rhetoric on this subject out there, but few know how to cut to the heart of the issue as well as you. Bravo! A++++++
  5. Fuck you and your bullshit.
  6. SeaQuest and Combat for Atari 2600.
  7. It didn't even click with me that this was a part of the prank until I kept hearing the same lines over and over again. I, admittedly, only had adult swim on as background noise so I wasn't paying full attention to start with. According to wikipedia 2007 had a similar split prank.
  8. I believe what you want to do is post the "share" link from YT rather than the URL in the address bar. (Maybe? I only ever see links to most people's YT videos, so...) Test: Regular URL "Share" URL
  9. In ascending order: rankless #e3e3e3 March Mad #01b8a4 Beer Dyer #01b817 April Showerer #a1e301 March Hare #e2e301 Cherry Blossom #e32b01 May Flower #019de3 In Like a Lion #e3b301 Out Like a Lamb #fafbfb Lucky Drunk #03f083 Fishback #81a2a0 Hilaria Celebrare #f208db Spaghetti Tree Famer #f2cc08 Egg Dyer #f208a8 Noodle #f2a108 Gob #366581 Gobby #18ad81 Noddy #8fad18 King Kugel #fdfe08 Flying Penguin #fafaf9 Chaunticleer #f4550c Changer of Hearts #fa1302 Fortuna Virilis #c50313 Venus Verticordia #0220f6 Pox Veneralia #a704ba Unofficial Mascot #ded401 Great Blue Hill Volcano Inspector #0219fb Pawn to Queen's Rook Four #fb9c02 Tricky Fox #fb4d02 Roussillon Apologist #d147fb Gowk Hunter #fbb947 Fake Stooge #fd8402 Enfabler #9802ba Sitdown Quipster #fc6310 Pharisee Pettifogger #f80296 Mocking Quackster #fec108 Anticarian #552f7e Trickster Wag #db3f01 Rougish Poser #fc3a04 Sharper #bc8401 Smiley Cozener #fcf902 Cheap Chiseler #016b97 Confidence Man #fbce39 On the Grift #6003ad Resurrected #ad0309 04/01/2017 - Added Smiley Cozener
  10. I figured as much. ~ On the default theme ~ If an avatar is uploaded: - and larger than the mini-profile area - it gets cut off. - and smaller than the mini-profile area - nothing If an avatar is linked: - and larger than the mini-profile area - it gets cut off. - and smaller than the mini-profile area - it gets stretched to "fit" the mini-profile (which still gets cut off)
  11. Same with the Black Box theme.
  12. Did a little more digging today and found Murderface. Found the balloon and owl smileys viperxmns[/member] made as well.
  13. ^ 30,000 characters
  14. My 8th grade Algebra teacher had a wooden paddle he'd brandish on occasion. I can't say for certain that he ever used it on anyone, but he damn near broke it across a desk one day.
  15. Yes. Elementary school started in 4th grade where a small group from my class would leave to go to another classroom where we'd basically work in vocabulary books with the teacher. The "Wise" (AIG) class also participated in a quiz bowl type event with another local elementary school. The only thing I didn't like about it was that we'd miss regular classroom time and my bitch of a teacher wouldn't let the AIG kids from my class know what was going on when we'd come back to class. Middle school and high school, the accelerated learning kids were placed in the same academic classes together. English and Social Studies were usually the same as the regular classes (just more crammed in) whereas math and science we were usually a year ahead of grade level.
  16. I don't know where to begin to find the Murderface icon that was on there. Wayback Machine can be handy sometimes.
  17. Just the name changed.
  18. Looks like the rank "IBer" has been changed to "Icon"
  19. I'll have to check this out. It looks interesting. : )
  20. Use the following in your signature: [img=-url-]
  21. What about child-proof straps?
  22. She was on the proboards, so she should be able to find this place if she hasn't already.
  23. Admin[/member] You've got all of what used to be "Special Snowflake" showing as "Thunder Goddess" too.
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