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Everything posted by saito34

  1. I feel like the studios elevated their game this season. A few shows feel really cutting edge.
  2. There are some good ass shows for Summer 2024 airing on Crunchy right now. The Elusive Samurai is among them and is excellent
  3. This is such a long arc, it sucks that it's gets really interesting at times when im lulled into distraction
  4. For real. I'm seriously thinking of ditching cable so it's good to know it operates no differently and you I can watch Toonami.
  5. Yeah I always assumed it was the broadcast itself so I don't know if it would translate to youtube but it def could. It sounds almost like a filter is on and the volume is like at a third for a few seconds.
  6. I'm wondering if it's that weird volume dip that kept happening during Dr Stone for me. At the time I asked if anyone else heard it but no one did.
  7. Are you telling me you might have experienced the elusive random volume dip?
  8. Good idea…I’ll just watch the Japanese version. Dunno why I didn’t just do that in the first place.
  9. Im gonna hit the hay guys. It was a pleasure as usual. Everyone have a good week.
  10. I was just realizing I don't know where he came from. Totally forgot he just kind of materializes.
  11. That's more or less what i meant by bad translation. Some of this stuff just doesn't translate well but who knows. It could totally rhyme or sound way more melodious in a different language.
  12. This is like the totally insane version of big brother beats up sisters bullies
  13. Perfect response from Tengen. He totally would not be concerned by such a lowly demon.
  14. IMO he did yes, it wasn't explicitly about the show. It was more or less a self referencing post and he used a picture of Jason from NK.
  15. I was kind of indifferent about whether or not it was actually supposed to be him, but like i mentioned, he made a post on Bluesky in such a way the indicated the picture represented himself. Not that I even care. I actually think it would be hard to resist the urge if you have that kind of say in a show, but I can't think of too many examples of people actually doing it.
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