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Everything posted by saito34

  1. A big component of stories like this and what makes them work or work better, is that there must be at least one person along with the MC who sees what's really happening. It's like finding someone familiar and normal in a bad dream. It's a great/familiar feeling. Think Doc Brown when Marty goes to 1955.
  2. I resonate with Uzumaki because as a kid stories about grown ups and society in general wigging out and becoming possessed/demented. really freaked me out.
  3. Hope things are on the up and up and glad you could make it for this long awaited premiere. Should be fun.
  4. Yeah, I was gonna ask if anyone knows what the plan is moving forward. Are we getting MHA or anything new? I'll always tune in but, it's be nice to get some newer shows to bulk up the block a bit.
  5. Big premiere tonight that I'm really looking forward to, but slim pickings after that. Really wish we kept B2B One Piece episodes considering a single episode of OP feels like 12 minutes of actual content. The full hour at least moves the plot along a little bit.
  6. I missed it is there another Funk mentioned? That would be a pretty obvious reference if there was.
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