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Everything posted by saito34

  1. That's a good point so I don't really know. I just assumed all Ito's work was B/W and It was more of a stylistic choice than a purely financial one. If it turns out there are color spreads, b/w makes even less sense.
  2. That's a damn good question. I have no idea. The thing with Junji Ito's stuff is that it's idea rich and explores a lot of weird scenarios that tend to strain credulity at a certain point. The one's I've watched (there's an Ito collection on Crunchy Roll) don't have traditional story arcs. They just kind of explore a concept and it usually plays out in a horrible way. I never read the Uzumaki manga but I'm hoping we get some type of actual story instead of just a series of whacky events.
  3. I thought I would be fine with the B/W and I respect them trying to be true to the original, but I'm not crazy about it either. I just think color adds so much to a show like this. The movie version was almost a muted monotone green, but it added an awesome ambiance. The B/W is a little flat.
  4. I know there were a lot of delays and problems with this production and many were beyond the artist's control. I also know the industry is overworked and A$$holes like David Laslav have no respect for animation, but some of the more complex animation and shots in general don't look all that spectacular. Also, the music and SFX are seriously uninspiring and poorly mixed. Am I the only one who feels this way? I dunno maybe I'm being too picky.
  5. Hair for a chair...awesome!
  6. Who knew a high and tight was the solution
  7. Does anyone know how to fight this....thing?
  8. Sounds like an episode of "Fear thy neighbor"
  9. just hanging in the dudes back like common barnacles
  10. FYI Sayuri who sang "Koukai no Uta" from season 4 of MHA died this week. She was 28 years old. Horrible news. RIP Sayuri.
  11. but youre killing innocent people...see the difference?
  12. It's just one of those things that went over a lot easier in my early twenties. I don't remember even giving it a second thought back then. If Akira made him slightly less naturally violent, his transformation might be easier to believe. Either that or just write in a slip and fall aka memory loss..haha Vegeta got concussed lol
  13. I think we need to revisit Vegeta's change of heart in DBZ. That saiyan was evil.
  14. Is that trepidation I sense from Flamingo's crew?
  15. People trying to defend Luffy, the last guy who needs any defending.
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