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Everything posted by saito34

  1. It was entertaining...good sets and effects. Kind of flimsy plot but, I've seen worse.
  2. Luck isn't a function of merit Shizuka. Bad people can get lucky. That's kind of the point.
  3. There have been some really great visuals in this town
  4. I had this exact conversation with someone online after watching this arc last year, where I said DS was a very high quality shonen anime for all the reason you mentioned and of course he disagreed and called it average. I honestly don't know if these people just like to play devils advocate, but I cant see how you can call it average or nothing special. For a shonen in particular, I think it does a lot of things incredibly well and with all those things combined, it's hard to deny that it's a way above average show. I specifically mentioned the battles and how they are intricately coordinated, beautifully animated and feel impactful. The writing is no slouch either. It does shonen style battles and systems better than 95% of stuff you see today and holds up against the greats. It might not be an all time great but it's up their on the list imo. Top 20 definitely and probably higher for pure shonen.
  5. I know a little bit about animation and how challenging it can be to make a convincing walk cycle and I'm just in awe of the skill that went into this
  6. Wow.. I guess I assumed Hashira translated to Demon Slayer, slayer, or something along those lines but it actually means "pillar" in Japanese. Pretty cool.
  7. I could slam a cup right now tbh
  8. seems like theyre making a point to say "season 1", but who knows i guess
  9. Have they confirmed season 2 at all?
  10. Food always does it ...Good to See ya...night.
  11. True...especially if there's a bunch of method actors on set.
  12. one of the better episodes in a while. Back to ep 1-2 quality.
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