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Everything posted by saito34

  1. Awkward scene that somehow got me laughin.
  2. I'm a sucker for the leaf village's symbol because i was obsessed with the Uzumaki movie. It's an interesting connection
  3. I think they're going for some kind of homage to the manga and Ito's style, but there is so much opportunity for effective use of color in a series like this. I'm sure budget is a major factor too, but at least it looks like trad animation.
  4. I went on a Japanese indie horror movie binge probably like 10 years ago now (time is flying) and I came across so many amazing movies. One of the best of the bunch was easily Uzumaki. Dont watch it if you dont want spoilers, but it's so good in the creepiest, most unsettling way. Mostly because it's a japanese movie with a comparatively low budget, but that contributed to the grungy, unique feel. It almost feels like you're watching a movie from a from a different planet or time altogether.
  5. I wonder if Oda's has done any artwork outside of anime/manga. His style is really interesting.
  6. yeah..Looks very similar. They mention a honey flavor which sounds nice. Probably pretty close to a sponge cake with a slightly different texture.
  7. I'm wondering if this is the Infinity Castle episode? Easily one of the coolest episodes of this series, but I'm not sure where it sits along the timeline.
  8. LOL....Why is it strange to put it that way when this arc aired in it's entirety 6 months ago? an·oth·er - used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about; one more; a further.
  9. Hows everyones late night going so far? I decided to watch some Crunchyroll. Couldnt do another DS marathon.
  10. 100% my thoughts. Easy to see how an AI like that would go that route and how he'd use Kal-el and Kara. The art style for Brainiac was well done too
  11. Def..it actually had a pretty well thought out story line. Good villain who's motivation made sense.
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