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Everything posted by saito34

  1. the scar is a little too on the nose but I like the show in general.
  2. yeah...awesome character and this is still one of the better episodes imo.
  3. Did jeanist just make a fashion design joke? lol
  4. Thats is the worst part. People hate it. I dont wanna hear about the kids and how it's too dark either. Leave the damn clocks alone.
  5. I hate this daylight savings time bullshit . No other country that im aware of does it
  6. Blue Exorcist. It's been a while, but I'm cool with this pick-up
  7. Lost cable right when MHA came on...unbelievable. Just got it back haha
  8. I was trying to get a crunchyroll stream going thru discord. Everything was working but Crunchy somehow has the ability to block the actual video from appearing via the firefox tab. Would have been easy to join and chat. I dont think I'll bother with much Uzumaki but ill prob be awake for MHA
  9. I don't see why they wouldn't in cases like this. Maybe because the manga is available and there's no real mystery. Still I think it would create a lot of interest. I know I'd tune in to see the resolution if they kept it ambiguous.
  10. I love this plant/medicinal stuff. I just read a conan book where all the wizards and sorcerers are hooked on this lotus plant drug that's basically fentanyl. Conan beat all their asses sober..good shit
  11. I'd like to think they have an actual explanation for this. It might have made more sense if it cured her considering she was a half demon. Like if it turned out an excruciating transformation courtesy of the sun is the actual cure for a 1/2 demon.
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