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Everything posted by saito34

  1. https://toonamisquad.com/toonami-announces-invisible-fight-girl-mashle-and-the-return-of-blue-exorcist-for-november-2024-nycc/
  2. the kabuki looking guys always spooked me out
  3. Definitely and it is a shonen after all. I just think these are missed opportunities to make things more authentic. I mean you could do a whole one arm swordsman thing. I'm sure people with actual disabilities are like wth? But again it's a shonen anime.
  4. this could be a really powerful story if she had an actual disability that wasn't, yes you heard it right "too strong". Oh the horror of having unusual muscle mass. Come on now
  5. I can overlook a lot of animation problems if the story is decent, but I cant support 4 episodes after 5 years.
  6. This reminds me of "Do a Powerbomb". I would love to see this book animated.
  7. Im curious to what extent he was involved with Scavengers Reign because from a quality standpoint and despite c-suite ratf**ing, it was a decent success (I personally loved it). It could have theoretically put a check in the win column for him, but I doubt Zaslav knows it exists.
  8. This just sucks all around. At the end of the day, the fans are the ones getting screwed. CEOs and Shareholders are making cutthroat financial decisions and people lower down in the pecking order are left to pick up the pieces. Often times it is a no win situation for the people on the creative side. Your project gets shuttered completely along with all the work that went with it or you find a way to limp to the finish line. Having said that, it is hard to reconcile the doublespeak from Demarco. I mean at what point should you recognize potential problems on the horizon and temper expectations accordingly? I'm sure it's a complicated balancing act either way, but at a certain point you're just making things worse by actively feeding into the hype.
  9. I was doing a related, but very non specific google search and this reddit thread was literally the top result. Has some good info/context, but might be referencing the manga specifically.
  10. Nice...thanks. Now that you mention it, I remember that tidbit about b/w being more challenging.
  11. I'd have to get the duration but that seemed short for a member of the 12 Kizuki. It took 3-4 people (including a hashira) to kill Gyutaro and he's ranked lower than Gyokko. I'm just used to long protracted battles with these dudes by now.
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