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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. I read Summer Time Render last weekend and I started Golden Kamuy this week. Been meaning to read this one now that S4 of the anime is airing. Gonna watch it some time soon. I thought STR was great but I am really liking Golden Kamuy manga a lot. The story and characters are amazing and the illustrations of animals and landscapes are breath taking at times. Probably going to spend most of my weekend reading this one haha
  2. Well duh, but I do not concern myself with domestic affairs.
  3. Eh, I kind of prefer the lower traffic here. Don't get me wrong, I love a bustling community but I also like the more tight knit places as well. I pretty much took a 10+ year hiatus after I left ASMB and came back to this place recently to reconnect with what was left of the community. Obviously we are not what we were way back in our glory days but I actually enjoy it being 'dead' here. You kinda get to know people better I guess. I don't know. Would still be nice to see things pick up but I will just enjoy it while I can..
  4. Nap Saturday afternoon/evening if you can. That is what I do haha
  5. I had gone out to dinner earlier that evening and had a few drinks with it, so I think the booze had something to do with it, as I can usually stay up til dawn on the weekends no problem. But when I get the booze in me sometimes I just zonk haha
  6. I just burnt the fuck out of the roof of my mouth eating a Calzone
  7. I watched the first few episodes of S1 in subs as they were coming out and then just waited. I binged all the dubs just a few weeks ago. Will probably do something similar for S2 and just wait for the dubs to be out and then watch.
  8. I watched the second episode today during lunch and really like it. I think the music and voice acting are really good haha Denji cracks me up too.
  9. That game was a bit surreal. Defense was so good. Lets go JETS!
  10. Fuck, I am a failure haha I fell asleep on the couch last night right as Shippuden was starting so I missed MiA I just woke up, still on the couch and was like "wtf happened"..
  11. I love Lupin! Catch you later pops!
  12. I love the Jazz, so good
  13. I am sad Lupin is over. Going to miss it, but the finale was awesome!
  14. I guess hes fine now haha idk
  15. Maybe the round just went though?
  16. Pops to the rescue!
  17. Lupin, you're bleeding out my man
  18. Lmao "what are you stupid, you're bleeding out!" "Feed me a little protein and ill be fine"
  19. Damn, shot through the heart
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