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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. To be honest, I have Netflix but rarely use it. I only open the app for a show that I am particularly interested in and lately that has been minimal. For instance, in the past 3-4 months I have only used it to watch Edgerunners (amazing) and to rewatch some of Trailer Park Boys.
  2. It is a shame. And you are right, at least for me, the atmosphere is a big part of it. Tom/Sara, the bumps and music etc., it all makes the block what it is to me. Still, I will enjoy watching the cable airing of Golden City of the Scorching Sun as it breaks me again and just hope that [as]/Toomami have something up there sleeves or that we get some better luck in the future and things actually improve. Doubtful, so I will just have fun while I can haha
  3. Absolutely. I have Funi/Crunchy and HiDIVE plus Hulu and have pretty much everything I want there currently. I watch Toonami purely out of nostalgia. I have already scene MiA S2 and most of what they have, I just miss the glory days and am trying to relive what I can of them while it is still around haha
  4. This is so saddening but the most likely scenario. Futurama etc. will more than likely bring better ratings but I am still so saddened to see another hour go
  5. Yea I am definitely not going to like only 3 hours of Toonami.. Here is to hoping that they would actually ever extend the block again.
  6. MiA S2 is 12 episodes with the finale being another hour long deal. So I think that will put it concluding in the beginning of February unless it the scheduling temporarily changes for a random block? So wait, are we really losing a whole hour of the block? It seems dumb to not at least run reruns later in the night for the hour we would be losing? What will replace these two lost slots, just regular [as] programming? Definitely does not seem good for the block. I love MiA (I thought season 2 was amazing) so I am really excited to see it come to the block but it is worrisome if we are actually losing slots. I hope that maybe it is just for DST..
  7. I knew they would skip the movie but I still beyond stoked for MiA Season 2 Lets go!!
  8. So, I really liked Housing Complex C. I think my only complaints are shared with most others. Namely the large info dump during the finale. But I guess that is what you have to do when you only get four episodes. I still feel that it could have been done better than spending the first half of the finale doing a monologue info dump. I also did not feel as connected to some of the characters, like Yuuri. But this could just be due to a lack of screen time and the low amount of episodes? All in all though, I really liked it. The story was good and had me reaching and guessing in the first couple episodes. The characters that actually saw some screen time, like Kahn, I really ended up liking. I loved the reveal that Kimi is a god and the twist that Yuuri was evil. Her death scene was so satisfying. There are still a few questions I have but hopefully I can answer them with a re-watch. I see that some are saying the ending is pointless, as Housing Complex C seems to go back to 'normal'. And while there are definitely some symptoms of lazy writing, I think the story is about a whimsical god who got bored but also wanted harmony, so she created a place where time stands still and people can try and live harmoniously but humans probably were not ready for something like that.. I don't know. All in all I give it a solid 8.0 - 8.5 out of 10. It is definitely [as]/Toonami's best original anime so far haha I just wish that it was more full-length! I feel like a lot of its issues could have been solved with just an extra episode or two. I have not re-watched any of it yet and am waiting for the marathon next weekend so I will see you all there! This will definitely be fun to watch back-to-back for Halloween weekend!
  9. Same, I wanna watch Foosball tomorrow haha Night you fine people!
  10. Those answers are hopefully at the bottom of the Abyss haha. Also, Hopefully Tuskushi does not die before he finishes the manga! One of the things he does amazingly, is to instill in the reader the same insatiable desire to explore and discover the Abyss that his characters feel. Each answer leads to more questions. In this respect he truly is a great writer.
  11. S2 just finished airing and think the dubs will be fully out in a couple more weeks? I wonder what the average is for Toonami to get something after it streams?
  12. I always thought of the Abyss as separate from Nature and the world, as it violates laws of nature/physics and time/space. It is kinda like an entirely different realm sorta.
  13. I really hope at some point in the future, if [as]/Toonami is still around, that we can get S2 and even the movie. MiA is one of the greats IMO.
  14. Nanachi's comments about Mitty waiting for her a bit longer and being possibly suicidal have me worried. Knowing the mangaka and his love for making his fans suffer, I feel that something bad will happen to the beloved bun. It seems like the obvious way to make his fans suffer and with every new chapter I fear it draws closer Must protec the bun!
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