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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I worked at a television station for about one year. It's one of the most pessimistic environments a person can work in. Fucking poison. Not the same as news editing, but pretty close from what I hear. I don't blame you.
  2. I own a cat, and a snake. I'll let the cat deal with it. He's on the prowl anyway. As for the snake, I fed her today. She isn't eating for a bit.
  3. I went into the bathroom and jumped out of my skin when a tiny mouse scurried from behind the commode and ran over my foot. I've never had this problem before... ...Is having a mouse really a problem at all?
  4. Depending on my shift, I can go to movies during the day. I've seen women sit alone. Women of various ages. Some in their 20's. Others in their 30's. Most are in their 40's. You get the occasional woman in her golden years coming in, and leaving halfway for some reason. But it's always on matinees. On weekdays. When almost everyone else is working. And you know what I don't do? I don't fucking creep... I also like sitting alone, so the feeling is mutual. We enjoy a movie for $7.00 and don't make things awkward.
  5. Go to work. Come home. Drink at home. Watch Toonami. Go to bed. Like I do every Saturday.
  6. I'm a pepper lover. The habanero is my favorite. However, when I eat that, it's pretty hard to come by a food that's spicy enough to bother me. Would this compare, or is it not quite on that level? I've heard different things. (I understand heat and spice are not quite the same, however they are not very different either.)
  7. There's a reason why Paramount sold it to Netflix instead of putting it in theaters.
  8. I drove to work with three inches of this bullshit.
  9. Weeeellll....since a lot of the content they seem to be getting was broadcasted 10+ years ago, can it really be considered surprising? Also, the layout for that particular block looks very cut-and-paste. Not an interactive experience like ours has with Tom and Sara.
  10. Never seen the first. I guess I'm fortunate?
  11. Keep in mind, they never caught on to the fact that two stand users were attempting to kill them in the previous episode...
  12. This is going to be an epic fight. I can feel it...
  13. Seems like the blade hungers for flesh and blood. Also, I feel no remorse for that man's father.
  14. Lmfao, this is one of my most anticipated shows of the block now. The last episode solidified that.
  15. Of course, it wouldn't be an episode of Black Clover without one scream from Asta.
  16. It seems like Asta and Yuno got stars on their first missions.
  17. Looks like the Wizard King is still up to his own antics.
  18. BAM! That looked like a mean punch.
  19. Of course, he was full of shit. But his character made that fact quite obvious.
  20. I have so much Wild Turkey in my system. I feel good and bad at the same time right now.
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