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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I guess there will be filler. But it seems like good filler.
  2. I think kids toy commercials play until 11:00 on Saturdays. Or when Super is on.
  3. That Mike Tyson commercial cracks me up every time I see it. *Ding.* > PUNCHES MARCUS.
  4. Lol, he continues to be a pest. I suspect if he does fight, Zamasu is going to kick his ass.
  5. Yeah, but he seems to have....regressed since that time.
  6. Yeah, I agree. He's become incredibly obnoxious at this stage.
  7. Lmfao, they coached him on how to talk.
  8. I assume that these Kais have different values from those of the ones in Universe 7, then?
  9. So basically, to make excellent tea, you need to be pure of heart? My ex-girlfriend begs to differ.
  10. For some reason, I am expecting this episode to be mostly filler. Again.
  11. That time of the week again, huh? Seven days certainly feels like a brief amount of time.
  12. Three more episodes. The journey is almost over...
  13. LMFAO! There's always a price.
  14. Reason #4 why the episode was banned. Bare ass.
  15. Something fucked up is going to happen. Isn't it?
  16. This is going to end poorly.
  17. Lmfao, he's gotten burned in more ways than one.
  18. Reason #3 why this episode was banned. Bare breasts.
  19. ....Oh my god. You're right.
  20. I think someone just tried to kill you, Gene.
  21. This is such a fucking strange episode. A nice detour from the usual fare this show has to offer.
  22. Not only is Gene's face scarred, but his legs too.
  23. Reason #1 why the episode was not initially aired on the original Toonami way back when.
  24. Do furries only work here?
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