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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Now it's coming back to me. Fat Buu's big face.
  2. Still doesn't ring a bell, lol.
  3. I don't remember that. Perhaps that's actually a good thing.
  4. And like that, Buu is back to square one.
  5. I kinda' forget how things pan out from this point.
  6. Like a kid in a candy shop. Except it's a bakery...
  7. "Why did that happen?" Plot conveniences and ass pulls.
  8. Meanwhile, in Buu's insides...
  9. Oh yeah. They were eaten in the last episode.
  10. Strange ending, but I'm even more interested as a result.
  11. Well, shit. Double trouble?
  12. This fight is going south rather quickly.
  13. Shit. He was just impaled...
  14. Yeah, he was. But John Connor isn't the same as Kyle Reese, regardless.
  15. Now I'm just wondering when Black will show his face....since his name is mentioned in the episode, and all.
  16. Future Yajirobe is now canon. Wtf.
  17. Trunks is reminding me a lot of Kyle Reese for some reason.
  18. Because missiles work so well against beings that can destroy cities in a matter of seconds...
  19. They aren't lying. Vegeta looks like he's mad 24/7.
  20. Apparently there are still people in the city. I just assumed the place was dead.
  21. Just saw Pacific Rim: Uprising and thought it would suck. I liked it. But I suspect that I'm going to like Rampage a lot more.
  22. Because I wanted to help people. It feels great when I can do my part in making sure a person gets there in time. But that's not always possible. Like I said. I don't hate the job, but I think I've reached my limit with how much I can take.
  23. Not everyone who is picked up by an ambulance leaves the vehicle alive. I've seen what fire can do to a person's body. People can end up in an ambulance for disturbing reasons. One of the worst happened to be the result of domestic violence. Gunshot wounds aren't as "clean" as people portray them in fiction, either. That was another shock. It's not a field for the faint of heart. There are resources to help people in this field, and there are people who have been at it longer than I have. But I think three years is long enough for me. And the scariest part is that the people who taught me have seen far worse than I have.
  24. I'm not expecting to be rich. I chose the field because I like helping people, which seemed to be the opposite of my first chosen field of study (journalism). Being a paramedic has taught me so much about myself. But I can't keep doing this. Some of the things I've seen have rocked my world, and not in a good way.
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