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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Pretty nice change of pace. We're getting an episode about Yuno instead of Asta this week.
  2. I bet that's why you gave her your jacket, you piece of shit...
  3. I bet she fell down the well.
  4. Asta got one over Yuno. That's fucking hilarious. He sent EVERYTHING HE HAD to the church.
  5. Oh yeah. They left off at the church last time.
  6. Basically, Buu just got an ass-kicking for this entire episode. That was a nice change of pace.
  7. Lol, his eyes are glowing pink. They're fucked.
  8. Back pimples can be popped, yo.
  9. He just made Vegito eat him?
  10. Buu's just getting his ass kicked outright for the moment.
  11. Holy shit, they were being extremely disrespectful to such an honest character...
  12. So wait, was that an advertisement for the next episode? Because it almost makes it sound like they're going to fight Beerus.
  13. There's a lot of smiles going around during this fight.
  14. Of course, with Buu's regenerative powers, it's almost like it doesn't matter what they do.
  15. I think cockiness comes naturally with fusion for some reason.
  16. Time to see Vegito in his full glory.
  17. He bowed so hard, he broke the fucking table.
  18. Goku brought Bulma to watch her husband beat the shit out of her son? How thoughtful...
  19. Goku, don't interrupt. They're training.
  20. Well, it looks like they haven't advanced too far within that amount of time...
  21. Something tells me this is going to lead to something terrible...
  22. Zamasu is showing his true colors.
  23. I am very curious to know if there is any connection between Zamasu and Black. But I hope if they are, the reason for it makes sense and isn't pulled out of Toriyama's ass...
  24. Jesus Christ, they're hamming this up with all the filler.
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