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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. By May, I will have graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. Then I can end my stint as an EMT. I don't hate my job, but it's beginning to take its toll on my health. I can't see myself doing this for the rest of my life.
  2. Okay, I've caught up and I just finished the final episode. I don't know what it is with anime I've finished lately, but shit just seemed to get really weird with this episode. Aesthetically speaking, it was very different from the rest of the series.
  3. I've caught up with everything over the last two weeks. I'm curious to see what Knuckle will point out about Gon's technique.
  4. I love corned beef. Replace cabbage with asparagus, and it's a hearty meal.
  5. Honestly, I'm not saying anything about you getting your material from the dark web. I'm just saying that getting to the dark web is easier than people make it sound.
  6. I use mine every month for bullshit purchases. A shirt for $12.00 or something. They've let me keep mine ever since.
  7. It's not that hard. It just requires patience. Lot of funny shit to be found in the dark web. Someone was selling "haunted objects," and said he'd only take bitcoins for them on his page.
  8. I'm almost 27, and I manage to do this. Does this mean I'm old too?
  9. When someone you love dies, and you wish you had that person back in your life. That's when I knew it, at least. I loved her before, but just how much, I didn't realize.
  10. Yes. But the flu shot is never guaranteed to prevent the flu, especially when most people around me don't bother to get it.
  11. Step throat. I have strep throat. Never had it before. This is bullshit. Two months ago I had the flu, and now I have fucking STREP. THROAT.
  12. I have all of my teeth in my skull, present and accounted for.
  13. Can't believe I'm doing this for the second weekend in a row, but I'm out guys. I'm too blasted to continue. Night night.
  14. All of the bystanders watching probably have no clue what is going on. They just see a guy getting knocked back by an invisible force while madmen hack at each other with the same sword.
  15. Honestly, I have an admiration for this enemy stand.
  16. The barber's eyes are so damn crazy, I can't keep from laughing.
  17. Next week's episode should be interesting, at least.
  18. Oh shit. Tentacles. You know what that means.
  19. He's like Goku in that he wants to fight people all the time, but with even less restraint.
  20. Guy's triggering these traps on purpose! What a load of bullshit!
  21. I dont' think I'll be able to make it to Jojo a t this rate. I can't even type correctly .
  22. The Wizard King CHOSE Asta. Totally fuckin' awesome and not cliche'd at all!
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