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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Lmfao, such shitty acting!
  2. Bulma is actually getting Beerus to do her bidding!
  3. How is Goku not hearing this dialogue?
  4. Revealed in this episode: Goku can't count to one trillion.
  5. I'm curious to see exactly how this plan is going to work out.
  6. Made it after a very belated delay. As of what I've seen so far, I wonder why they just don't assert that fighting at the party is frowned upon and leave it at that.
  7. I was always the person who was oblivious to the fact that they were flirting, only to realize it when it was too late...
  8. Probably something like this:
  9. That raccoon is such a filthy bastard.
  10. CZ P-01. It's one of the prettiest fucking handguns ever made.
  11. I would, but the Internet does not allow for close contact at long distances.
  12. The sound quality is excellent. I used to play bass for this "metal" band that never went anywhere. Our shit sounded like it was recorded in a can. If I can find old tapes, I'll try to upload them.
  13. You could always have my job and work at ungodly hours. My shift for today (feels weird saying that) starts at 3:00 AM, and it ends at noon, when most people take their lunch breaks.
  14. I don't watch them. I buy gifts for people and I bake shit, but that's all I do as far as "celebrating."
  15. Give them the two weeks just in case the offer falls through. As unlikely as that may be, this can at least allow you to stay on board if shit hits the fan.
  16. The biggest bitch about work is that it fucks with my sleep cycles. Normally I'm ready to go to bed at 3:00 AM, yet here I am and it's 3:30. Not tired at all.
  17. They try to make this scene a tearjerker, but they have confirmation that there's an afterlife. It's not as sad as the characters make it seem. ~~*Wow. I posted in the wrong thread.
  18. Lol, convenient censorship. I guess he didn't fail. But it was a head-scratcher. Also, I think it's the first time one of these specials occurred without forcing them to move to a different base of operations.
  19. Last part of Countdown. Wondering how this will end.
  20. A girlfriend I used to regularly date passed away on December 26, 2011--the day after Christmas. I haven't gotten over it, and I never will. Because of this, the sights, sounds and smells around Christmas sicken me. I don't decorate and I don't put up anything red or green, and I don't play Christmas music. Next to late August (when I was born), December is just plain bullshit.
  21. It's a mixture of the two. I'm more calm at work than I am when I'm off duty. I've never understood why, though.
  22. Newer trailer for Netflix's Devilman Crybaby. Release date is January 5th (in Japan).
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