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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. AS played this show countless times, and I had never seen this one. It was good.
  2. So it's forgotten left over food from the fridge that became sentient?
  3. An amorphous creature like that won't be caught with a net. You need to torch that shit. Burn it alive.
  4. Lol, Spike has the most apathetic reactions to this. "I'm so full of life!" "Full of what?"
  5. "We'll return in a moment with more Outlaw Star."
  6. Job hunting continues next episode, I guess.
  7. Yep. Exactly as I remember it being 17 years ago. I'm amazed by my memory.
  8. Melfina is about to do the funniest fucking thing in a moment.
  9. "You cactus bastard!" I need to use this as an insult at some point in my life.
  10. Whelp. Aisha's going feral.
  11. Aisha is now the hunted.
  12. Lol, they just put out the wrong promo. Should have been "We're back with more Outlaw Star."
  13. YEP, this is the episode!
  14. He asked for this lady's number several episodes ago. I guess she did give it to him.
  15. If this is the episode I'm thinking of
  16. So, they're doing a dinosaur-bird's job? I'm okay with this.
  17. *Man having a screaming fit over the phone.* Customer service in a nutshell.
  18. LOL, now they have to go!
  19. LMFAO! Aisha's temper is the cutest fucking thing!
  20. "We can't help you, but please call again." Why would they?
  21. A six-pack of Magic Hat #9 and a 32 oz. can of malt liquor (Olde English piss). I don't know how much longer I'm gonna' last.
  22. Next to the episode with the professors, this is my favorite episode of this series so far.
  23. Lupin is a thief with a heart of fucking gold.
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