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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I want to feel sorry for this character, but I don't.
  2. "My magic just slipped out." You just pulled out a book and soaked him, you fucking liar.
  3. Oh God. He's one of those characters... I think I know why everyone has nothing good to say about this show.
  4. Achievement Unlocked: Get knocked over by an infant.
  5. Time for another shitty Pierrot series.
  6. This isn't going to end well.
  7. Buu let go of all of his hate, and those emotions took their own form.
  8. NOW the world is fucked.
  9. "Take doggie and run far, far away." Shit.
  10. Will this fuck die already?
  11. Mr. Satan goes through a realization and does the right thing.
  12. I hate that the promos continue to spoil shit. I already know what's coming next, but even so...
  13. I would have to say that if I needed to pick one, Bulma would be preferable. She isn't as angry as Chichi is on a regular basis, and not as much of a hardass. This is more attractive than a nagger like Chichi.
  14. Aside from Dr. Gero, I'd say so.
  15. They get cable in the Realm of the Kai's?
  16. He was always able to. He just can't compete with DBZ-tier opponents.
  17. Mr. Satan kicks his ass. I remember now.
  18. This guy apparently never saw on the news where Buu destroyed a bunch of tanks...
  19. I forget what happens to the gunman.
  20. So, this is the episode where
  21. I had a feeling Goku would come up with ass backwards ideas to rationalize what happened.
  22. Uh-oh. Secret's out. Thanks Yamcha.
  23. Okay, I admit it, this was filler, but it was hilarious filler!
  24. In other words, Beerus is into cosplaying...
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