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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Jesus Christ, he has such a long chin.
  2. I forgot just how badly Buu gets the shit kicked out of him during this episode.
  3. Fuck, Buu reminded me that I left my pumpkin pie in the fridge at work today.
  4. Oh, right. I forgot this was the weekend that
  5. I'll be honest, the moment those three arrived, I immediately thought of Team Rocket.
  6. "Since when do babies know how to fly?" Since when can ordinary characters breathe in the vacuum of outer space?
  7. Well, I guess Pan's getting her desire. They are in space right now.
  8. Yeah, but usually it's adults watching at this how. Eh, whatever. In any case, at least we aren't getting Teen Titans Go advertisements....yet...
  9. I keep forgetting that these three exist.
  10. Any idea why we keep getting kids' commercials during this block?
  11. I beat Cuphead in two weeks. It's a very frustrating experience, and I did not feel satisfied after beating it...
  12. Lmao, it's nice to see Piccolo this way.
  13. Piccolo, an actual father-figure...
  14. No, I was awake, but the anesthesia was so strong that I can't remember anything. My Dad told me I was talking the entire way home, and I went to bed as soon as we got back.
  15. If only there was an actual limit.
  16. Basically, his fight with Hit caused this to happen.
  17. Lmfao, his Instant Transmission is screwed.
  18. Goku doesn't want to eat as much as he normally does? Sounds healthy! Good for you Goku!
  19. I remember nothing about having mine removed. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
  20. Gyaos


    How recently made is the car? That's fucking insane! I'm still driving the 2000 Chevy Metro that I got two years ago and it's nowhere near that amount.
  21. I don't remember. I didn't even make it to 1,000 on the old boards before they switched over, and the revamped boards were so short-lived that I can't even remember how many posts I had before [AS] pulled the plug. By the way, the "revamped" boards sucked. The layout was ugly, and there were no sub-forums from what I can remember.
  22. I bought bitcoin and sold it when the price was around $800 each. Made good money doing it too. I wish I had waited, because prices like this would have been fucking insane.
  23. I couldn't do it. I'd get in some deep shit...
  24. Wow. This is fucking dumb.
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