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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Giant Robo OVA 6 & 7 & Gin Rei Specials Well, that was pretty disappointing. Next show on my docket (Gankutsuou) definitely shouldn't be though, thank goodness.
  2. Arrow series finale Hard to believe looking back that it's been 8 seasons. When I first started watching it, I never imagined it would run for this long. They certainly checked every box I could think of for the finale though. It was incredible and just a perfect sendoff.
  3. There's only a couple of them actually. There's some other cabinets with stuff too, but probably around half of my collection is packed into the dressers. There's several of those altogether.
  4. Sorry. LOL I never post pictures, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to post one on here for a while. I thought I figured it out, but I guess the image links didn't last. Anyway, somebody explained what I was overlooking now.
  5. Ah, I see it now. 😮 Thanks. I always look at the command box and never below the text box. Guess that's why I never noticed that there before.😯
  6. I'm certain there used to be a gallery. It's been a long time now since I did anything with mine, so it may have gone away not long after the forum here was created after the AS board shut down for all I know, but I know there used to be one. Admin_Raptopat, what I don't get is how you upload something as an attachment in the first place. Anyway, all I was really trying to figure out was if there was a way to directly upload a photo to the site that I could then link into a post without first having to upload it to an outside photo sharing site, and I figured out a way with the cover photo thing how to do that, so I'm good already.
  7. On the account settings page, no. There's a "My Attachments" link under the drop down list that's at the top of the page under my account name, but it just says "There's nothing here yet" and I don't see any way to add anything to it.
  8. All right. All right. Here's a couple shots to show you a little better what I mean. I have to use up every little bit of space that I can, so stuff is a couple of rows deep and as a result you can only really see what's up front all that well. It's worse for the stuff in drawers or rubbermaids, as only the tops of the cases or boxes are visible unless I pull stuff out. There's also no real order to any of it. I just put new stuff wherever I can find space for it at the time.
  9. Okay, looks like I figured out how folks are uploading photos to the site. If you save the url for a photo you upload as your cover photo, then it remains even if you replace or remove it from your profile area. Not the same as being able to upload and have multiple photos at the same time, but that's all I was really trying to figure out how to do anyway, so if someone wants to close this, feel free.
  10. There definitely was one before on here. I had uploaded several photos on it. As for now, I'm not sure, but I see other people posting pictures now that start with a "unevenedge.com/uploads/monthly_2019_09" url.
  11. I know there at least used to be an image gallery feature for this site, but now it seems like it's gone. Am I just missing something? Because I can't seem to find it anymore, or figure out how to upload a photo to the site. Can anybody help me with this?
  12. No you don't. You really, really don't. I have most of my stuff in dresser drawers, or cabinets... even have a bunch of DVDs stuffed away in rubbermaid containers. I'm hoping in the coming year I can finally clean out some space so I can organize everything better, but the way it is now, if you were to name a random title in my collection, I'd probably have trouble finding it, even if you gave me like half an hour to do so. 😕
  13. Giant Robo OVA 3 - 5 Weathering With You If you get a chance to check this out while it's still in theatres, I'd recomend you do so. It was fantastic.
  14. Underwater 7/10 (Nothing that special about it, but I love a good monster movie, and while most of the ones I've seen lately have disappointed, this one did not.) Weathering With You 10/10 (I know lots of other people may disagree, but I liked the story for this better than Your Name's quite frankly. Of course the animation was incredible and gorgeous, as you would expect from any movie from Makoto Shinkai. This is probably my favorite movie of his to date; although, it seems like I say that every time he comes out with a new movie, heh.)
  15. Giant Robo OVA 1 & 2 Well, after about only a four year delay, I'm finally watching this.
  16. Yeah, she won the last immunity challenge actually, but she got no votes. Dean I think got two, so yeah, Tommy won pretty handily in the end.
  17. So I guess you didn't see what they're doing for next season then? Heh, it looks like it's going to be pretty epic.
  18. Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 8/10 I liked it better than The Last Jedi, but I still felt like it fell just a little short of my expectations.
  19. Jumanji The Next Level 8/10 Pretty decent sequel. Some of the twists felt a little overly contrived, but it was still fun to watch.
  20. If you want to go real old school, The Dog of Flanders. Just be sure to have a box tissues, or several, handy. I'll also add Astroboy, Junkers Come Here, Millennium Actress, Oblivion Island Haruka & the Magic Mirror, and When Marnie Was There
  21. Well, at least there weren't any interesting mega deals this week, so I didn't add any to the damage I just took, but I had to grab Persona 4 the Golden, season 3 of Wagnaria, and the complete Yuki Yuna set. Some Funi limited edition mega deals could get me to bite again, but that should get most of the pain out of the way for me.
  22. Lost City of Z 9/10 Knives Out 10/10 (Best murder mystery movie I've seen in a long time. Incredible cast, excellent plot, and Daniel Craig's southern accent... It was all just very fun to watch.)
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