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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Aww, looks like LIl' Slugger finally struck out. But hey, even the best hitters can have an off day.
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking. Whenever I see any type of locked room mystery case like that it always reminds me of that old experience of mine and that house. Glad I didn't have to live there very long and that there were no dead bodies involved. I wouldn't at all be surprised if somebody died there once upon a time though. It was already like 50 years old when my grandmother moved there, so don't really know what the history of it was.
  3. I don't believe in ghosts (just let me preface this by saying that), but I do like to keep an open mind and believe if you don't know everything, you don't really know anything for sure, so anything's possible. When I was in grade school anyway, I lived for a short while with my mom and her brothers at my grandmother's home where some pretty weird stuff happened. Most of it I never experienced myself, like hearing noises like footsteps or chains rattling and finding a crucifix on the floor with the nail it was hung onto on the wall bent downward. My mom, unlike myself, isn't a skeptic and to this day still believes with absolute conviction that place was super haunted. The one thing I did experience though, was one day I was outside playing when I heard my grandmother shouting for me. I came inside to find her and my mom and my uncle standing outside my bedroom door, banging loudly on it, and yelling for me to come out. When they saw me just walk up asking what they wanted, they were slack-jawed. They said they had been calling for me for several minutes and thought I had locked myself inside. Realizing they were mistaken, and that there was a possible intruder in my room, my younger uncle proceeded to try to force the door open. Now he was a big strong guy, but even he had trouble getting the door to open even after throwing his full weight against it. It wasn't that the door was locked; there was something placed as a barricade against it. Finally, after a few minutes, and with the help of my other uncle they were able to move it enough that a loud boom sounded as they pushed what was in front of it over and sent it crashing to the floor. What was blocking it was a large and very heavy bookcase full of books that somehow had gotten moved across the doorway. Nobody was inside and the only other way into the room was through a window... that was locked. Nothing else in the room seemed like it had been disturbed, and nothing seemed like it was missing either. Needless to say it freaked the hell out of all of us, and to this day still don't know how it happened.
  4. Cool (no pun intended) idea. I'd try it if I had the opportunity.
  5. Ergo Proxy Escaflowne Gankutsuou Now and Then, Here and There The Rose of Versailles Steins; Gate Tiger & Bunny Utawarerumono
  6. Has no one seriously tried it yet? I'm honestly surprised there aren't a bunch of people posting videos of themselves wearing ones like those out. Here I thought there were more folks willing to make complete spectacles/fools of themselves out there. 😞 If I had to pick one to wear seriously though, I'd go with a Japanese style mask.
  7. There may not be a season 2, but there was a short spin-off series called Angel Links with a couple of the characters that belonged to a security company of the same name that were in one episode. As to whether it's any good or not, I watched it a long time so can't really remember it much at all anymore honestly, meaning I probably thought it was mediocre at best.
  8. Durarara! 10 - 12 Those episodes explained a lot. As for what you said about the title there, Narita apparently insisted it had no meaning in the first light novel and that it's just something he came up with on the fly when asked by his editor for a title. As he had finished with writing the book then though, I think it's possible when he was searching in his heard for something to use that at least subconsciously the sound for it could have come from that part where the name of the Dollars was talked about.
  9. Plow through? That's gonna take one heck of a plow. Probably would have better luck trying to dig through an avalance with a teaspoon at this point.
  10. Summary of tonight's episode: Lil' Slugger hits a double and gets caught trying to steal home?
  11. I've been social distancing my whole life. You expect me to stop now? ::pokes you with a 39 1/2 foot pole::
  12. Durarara! 4 - 9 Huh, not quite what I was expecting so far. Thought this would be more of an action show since it aired on AS a while back. It's one of the few shows on the block I never watched, since I had already bought the DVDs when it was picked up. Also, it seems pretty surprisingly straightforward narrative-wise for something coming from the same guy who came up with Bacaano. Doesn't detract at all from my enjoying it, especially the music which is awesome, but I wonder how AS ever wound up getting this since it seems quite a bit outside their traditional fare. Did they ever air season 2? From how long I remember it being part of the lineup, I don't think they ever did, but I'm not really sure.
  13. Durarararararararararararararara! 1 - 3 I was wondering what the title meant, and was kind of afraid to look it up thinking it me be some type of spoiler, but I did anyway and laughed when I read that it was just something the creator came up with out of the blue and that it had no meaning whatsoever. And here I thought FLCL was about the weirdest one ever.
  14. It was either TV.com or the ASMB. I think I joined both around the same time, though I never really posted all that much at TV.com.
  15. And he's still batting a thousand folks. A tip of my cap to you for another perfect game.
  16. They're not waffles; they're yofwals. Grrr, now I want some, too. 🤤 Dammit. Eggos are alright, but the ones they make at IHOP are what I'm really craving. Now those are yofwals.
  17. Well that would be quite the trick considering, you know, there is no more. They announced a Demon Slayer movie is slated to come out this fall, but that's it so far. So yeah, they're not cancelling it, they're just replacing it because it's the end of season 1 and there's no season 2 yet, and probably won't be till next year the way things are looking due to the pandemic.
  18. I can confirm the old Geneon DVD release was widescreen. Just popped it in to check and be sure.
  19. Excel Saga 21 - 26 Well that was certainly somethin... somethin... well it was somethin. Uh huh. Probably the wackiest series I'd say I've ever seen at the very least. I was actually a little disappointed though they didn't go through with making the whole final, final episode into a muscial one like they suggested they were going to do at the start of it. Alas. Funny though, I actually started to think over that last stretch of episodes that maybe Jessica Calvello came back to voice Excel. Her replacement Larissa Wolcott must have gotten more comfortable with the role it seems and picked up her pace and got more screechy sounding from the strain along the way. Guess everyone starts to sound a bit the same when they're talking a mile a minute.
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