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Everything posted by pail

  1. pail

    Dog Xanax

    Schopenhauer watching 'Walrus sucks own dick' on YouTube while absently petting his 2,000,000mg Xanax (specially ordered from Thailand) at 3:34 PM on a Tuesday in April after being put 'on hold' for the second time in ~40 seconds as he tries to reach the one person he knows at Harper's, an editorial assistant who "really liked" The World As Will And Representation, to see if there's any chance they want to send him anywhere—to write about anything—as his toy poodle, 'ever aware' that it's 'very similar' in size/weight/color as the 2,000,000mg Xanax, suppresses uncontrollable crying successfully, to a large degree, owing to having licked the 2,000,000mg Xanax a few times, ~30 minutes ago, when Schopenhauer was at the doorway gripping the doorknob tightly while staring across the street thinking [what seemed to be 'nothing'] after receiving his 3rd form-rejection in 14 months from Electric Literature.
  2. Yeah, that's weird. So are the videos where large women try to seductively eat cake... Also ASMR. Don't understand that shit at all.
  3. Women have a natural talent for being attention whores. If she wants you notice her, she'll make you notice her. Rarely, if ever, do guys get to make the first move. In modern day 3rd Reich feminism it's practically sexual assault to talk to a woman or even look her in the eyes if you find her attractive.
  4. Sounds alright. I'm sure Anthony Fantano will whip up some half-assed review when it comes out.
  5. It was just an observation about his rank color. Not many people are Luminaries.
  6. Tony Hawk Pro Skater
  7. Your rank color is white. Joke. Head.
  8. Get back in the kitchen.
  9. This is so sad. This is what it would be like if I had a gaming channel.
  10. Oil clogs pores. Why would you apply oil to your skin after washing it?
  11. Does anyone else think it's kinda funny that, arguably, the blackest guy on this forum is also the whitest?
  12. pail

    Car crash

    You can see the wrecked minivan. Fuck off chocolate godzilla.
  13. pail

    Car crash

    Fuck if I know. There weren't any ambulances on the scene. So I'm assuming some people went to the hospital, at the least.
  14. Semen crusted boxer briefs that haven't been washed in three weeks.
  15. pail

    Car crash

  16. Driving around filming himself bobbing his head to either 'True Faith' or 'Goodbye Horses'.
  17. You save money when you buy in bulk.
  18. I didn't even know they make this pack so convenient like a regular soda case.
  19. pail


    I miss Basketball_Americans.
  20. pail


    I just relate sports with sports... Unless it's Shaq. Then it's a meme.
  21. pail


    No it's just some random porn video. A lot of the top porn vids have similar tags like those. Just somebody trawling.
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