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Everything posted by pail

  1. pail


    It just seems like a very Gemini avatar. Maybe I'm just conflating professional wrestling with sports too much.
  2. pail


    Is your avatar a jab at Gemini?
  3. pail


  4. Gun --> Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnFBSMLgRO0
  5. Possible? Smgdh It's statements like this that remind me of all the idiots believing the Battaclan attackers were "taking hostages and demanding ransom" when in reality they were mowing down as many people as they could. Maybe I just don't understand optimism in situations like this but these things are never a glass half full scenario. Fucks sake.
  6. Oh, thanks I guess. He was a page of the dankest memes, and many clever vanity plates. May he be wiped from the internet in peace. Idk I'm not really good at this I never gave a eulogy for a social media account.
  7. Well it takes 14 days for the account to be deleted. So I think I started the process about 9 days ago. Maybe 10. I forgot, I did it after Nab posted his FB freakout thread.
  8. Oh. My FB should be gone is about 5 days.
  9. Have you considered just not drinking?
  10. To what? I ain't got time for that.
  11. Bendy and the ink machine? That's cool, I just didn't think someone like you would be a fan of a rather obscure game like that.
  12. I don't really enjoy playing games on computers, though. I like using a controller.
  13. Are you one of those PC Master race people? My computer is not good at all, almost ten years old. If I was gonna play anything on PC I'd probably get an Alien computer or something.
  14. Idk much about cars.
  15. Hmm. Have you tried looking at Kohl's?
  16. pail


  17. In your head, in your heaeaead.
  18. Stfu Scoob
  19. pail

    yes more art

  20. You know how to take a panoramic shot?
  21. pail


    Damn bitch. You stupid.
  22. They said the same thing about Prometheus.
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