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Everything posted by pail

  1. I just checked mine at it's at 147/86, which is high. I did just slam a couple energy drinks, though. But I'll probably dead within the year if I don't start exercising and quit smoking.
  2. I actually really like these movies. I think The Creeper is one of the best horror movie characters in recent years. Random Jeepers Creepers trivia: Did you know that the movies are supposed to be based in Florida? The first film was actually filmed in Dunellon, Florida.
  3. pail

    Pepsi Fire?

    Dafuq is this shit? Why did they decide to make Pepsi even worse?
  4. pail


    Can you take the lesbians out of your signature? It's starting to gross me out.
  5. He's a person fuggs. Not a double bacon cheeseburger. Calm down.
  6. Why would you willingly go to that shithole? Come to Florida, man. We'll go burn some crosses.
  7. I'll buy them if you mail them to me.
  8. Kpins are just as strong as bars but they last a lot longer. But for whatever reason people like bars better so 2mg bars go for $5 on average, 2mg kpins go for $2-5.
  9. Meh.
  10. What kind of ice cream?
  11. Dear mochi, Don't care. - Everybody
  12. Pecan nut butter and blueberry jam.
  13. pail

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  17. pail

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  18. pail

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  19. pail

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  20. pail

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  21. pail

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  22. pail

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  23. pail

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  24. pail

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