Five lbs of sugar?
Did it cost a whole quarter, too?
WTF is this the pioneer days?
Yes shopkeep, five lbs of sugar, twenty pounds of flour, two pints of your freshest milk and a bale of wheat.
Amish Mafia was just a trainwreck of a show.
Unfortunately it didn't have the same hypnotic quality of Jersey Shore.
Which is still one of my personal favorite dumb shows.
They captured lighting in a bottle with that one. No doubt.
Why are you creaming your jeans over Roger Ailes dying?
This is what's so disgusting about you liberal shitbags. You're weak little cowards who wouldn't dare throw a paper bag at your "mortal enemies", you all just hover around like starving vultures and relish when old age and the ravages of time catch up with the human condition and revel in the loss of human fucking life.
Go fucking play in traffic at night wearing non reflective clothing you spineless communist faggots.
Probably an OD.
A lot of rockstars are liberal Dem degenerates and I'm sure a lot of them are self medicating with copious amounts of alcohol, opiates and benzodiazipines to try and numb themselves to the reality that their shitty narrative is falling apart right in front of them.
Expect more deaths like this in future.
Shit wouldn't be surprised if Kirk Hammett does something similar like crawl into a bottle of Vicodin and just wither away in there.
Of the professed liberal pussies he's one of the biggest and dumbest that I know of.